Chapter 25 - She's Mine (end)

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Marinette's View

As we finished eating up our breakfast, we headed off to the amusement park. When we arrived, majestic music played in the background as the wonderful clashing colors took our breathe away in a flash. The rides looked so intense and mesmerizing. Once we got our necklace passes for all rides, we all rushed inside with grins on our face. 

"How about we go get some pairing headbands?" suggested Alya with a wide grin while looking in Sabrina and Landon's way.

"Sure, why not." Sabrina agreed right away before being dragged towards the large gift shop.

I stared at the massive wall filled with each fairytale themed headband until I spotted Rapunzel's. "I'll take this one!"

"Then I'll be your pair." Adrien smiled as he took a Flynn styled headband and placed it on his head.

I gave a small giggle at his flirtatious ways and poked his cheek. "Let's go see what the others got."

Adrien and I walked to the small group that huddled over a certain pair. In the center was Landon and Sabrina. Alya and Nino were both smirking as they said words about how cute of a couple they would've made.

"Okay guys, stop. Let's hurry and go ride the rides." I sighed smiled and glanced at Sabrina as she gave a nod as a thanks.

Alya and Nino were an Aladdin themed pair while Sabrina and Landon wore Mickey and Minnie Mouse. With all of us pairs together, I had to admit, we were pretty cute. Especially Landon and Sabrina.

"So where should we go?" asked Nino while staring at the amusement park map.

"How about the Triton Slide?" Landon smirked. "We'll get wet though."

Sabrina punched him in the arm and he let out a whine. "Stop thinking dirty."

"Sorry, sorry." He apologized as he rubbed his arm.


It's been a long day since we arrived at the amusement park. Sabrina and Landon eventually ended up taking us on every ride acting like little five year olds, which was cute but especially tiring.

Adrien slipped his hand into mines, intertwining them and smiled. "Happy Valentine's day."

My jaw dropped down in shock as fireworks exploded in the air and smiled while giving him a kiss. "Thanks Adrien."

Alya's View

I happily squealed and snuck a picture of my top OPT as Adrien and Marinette kissed once the fireworks played. I had my hand in Nino's and the both of us were happy. Thinking about the timing, I went in for a quick kiss on the cheek only to connect them to his.

I turned back in shock and blushed a deep red. "Oh my gosh, I'm s-sorry!"

Nino laughed and pulled me in a hug. "It's fine. It's great to know that we were both thinking alike."

Sabrina's View

 I glanced at the couples that kiss as the fireworks blasted my eardrums dead.  I gave a short look in Landon's way to see the lights reflecting in his eyes like magic and smiled. Even though he's a jerk and flirts with girls a lot, he's still a person with feelings. He seems nicer than most people I know.

"What are you staring at?" Landon gave a smirk and slipped an arm around my waist, chuckling. "Am I that charming?"

I blushed and pushed him away. "No, I've seem boys more good looking." I pushed my glasses up the structure of my nose and looked up to see a painful expression on his face. Was he hurt?

She's Mine | AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now