I wonder

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I wonder what would happen if I just gave you a little more time.

I wonder what would happen if I listened what you had to say to me, not what you said to others.

I wonder what would happen if we were together in the right time.

I wonder what would happen if I was a better girlfriend.

I wonder so many things.

But if I did everything right, I wouldn't have anything to think about right now.

If only I did things right...

Then I wouldn't have to doubt anything.

If I did everything right we might still be together.

If I did everything right, I wonder if I'd ever feel heartbreak.

But it's my fault.

I tried fixing something that wasn't broken, and I ended up breaking it instead.

It's all my fault.

I wonder what would happen
If we were soulmates.

But the thing is,
You're the one for me, but I wasn't the one for you.

I wonder if you would leave, if I pretended to be more like her and less like me.

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