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Do you remember those nights?

Where we stayed up as late as we could talking to each other.

Whether it was a 2am video chat or texting right after school, we'd get on our phones and go straight to each other's contacts.

I remember those nights.

I miss nights like that.

What happened???

Now it's me staying up all night figuring out what I did wrong and how I could've... Should've... Been better.

I talk to my friends though.

Don't get me wrong, I love exchanging words, thoughts and details with them.

But they're not you.

I talk to myself sometimes.

I pretend that I'm talking to you.

But they're just words you'll never hear.

But all I need, all I want,
Is someone to talk to.

And I'll be okay.

But I'm totally, perfectly, 100% fine that you text everyone else while I wait for your reply from when I said hi weeks ago.

I'm totally, perfectly, 100% fine when you text and video chat other girls until you can barely keep your eyes open.

I'm totally, perfectly, 100% fine that you're happy.

But I'm totally, perfectly, 100% broken.

Just because you don't give me 5
minutes, just to catch up,
just to make sure you're okay,
just to talk.

Just Another Heartbroken StoryWhere stories live. Discover now