13 Questions Tag

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I was tagged by GamerInsanity so here I go. :|

Q) Favorite video game?
A) Yandere Simulator.

Q) What's your nickname?
A) Among family it's Scenic (hence my username), but with friends it's Mr. Mother.

Q) Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?
A) Introvert.

Q)Do you wear glasses?
A) Yesh. :3

Q) Favorite Undertale character?
A) Mettaton.

Q) Favorite genre of music?
A) Alternative. I'm noT EMO I SWEAR.

Q) Who do you look up to?
A) My oldest sister, Gabe.

Q) Favorite YouTuber?
A) Tie between PewDiePie and Markiplier.

Q) What's your dream job?
A) Author or a translator.

Q) Do you draw?
A) Yes. (ChEck oUt mY ArTboOk plEasE.)

Q) Favorite candy?
A) Pocky. I'm also noT A WEEABOO.

Q) Are you a night owl or an early bird.
A) Night owl. Sleep is for the weak.

Q) What's your birthstone?
A) Emerald.

Okay, done. I would like to see the following people answer these questions (bc I'm too lazy to come up with new ones).


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