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Okay, I haven't been able to find anything funny or relatable recently because my internet has been total crap for two months now (seriously, I'm lucky to get two bars), which is why I haven't been updating, so I'm just going to ramble on about how my social awkwardness has ruined my love life three, no wait...FOUR times last (school) year. So, buckle up, because this is going to be a loong ride.

Okay, so we will start off with the first person I had a crush on (well, he had the crush on me) last (school) year.

We'll call him Kenneth.

(Message to my friends, don't say his real name, he doesn't want people to know who he is.)

So, LizardCunt 's current boyfriend had a crush on me for about one and a half years.

I personally was never head over heels for the guy, but he's attractive, smart, funny, and he cares about me.

So when he asked me out, I said yes.

And boy, that was a mistake.

I wasn't prepared for him to start acting like a boyfriend.

Yes, I want my girl/boyfriend to act loving in that odd, special way, but not KENNETH.

He's just, not the kind of person I picture acting like that. It made me super uncomfortable.

So, because I felt too awkward to go on, I broke up with him after a day.

We're still great friends (even though he's a jerk 23/7 and I want to punch him) and him and (one of) my best friend are in a happy relationship.

The second person is fluffybirdies .

We dated for a couple of hours, but I know her too well, so she's more like a sister to me, so I broke up with here. We tried again a couple months later, dated for a few days, and Idek why we broke up. :|

The third person is my friend named Avery.

Avery is a tall (5'6" 0.0), sweet, smart, innocent girl. She apparently has (or had :| idk) a crush on me, and I found out my reading her note book.

(Disclaimer: I was pre-reading a story for her, when I found notes she was passing with her best friend, and I asked permission to read the conversation. She knew what I was doing.)

When I saw a note that said something like this (written by Avery), "I think I'm bisexual know....(blah blah stuff I can't remember)....and I have a crush on Phoenix."

Then her and our friend Hannah (HANNAH! IF YOU ARE READING THIS, REPLY TO MY DM!) went back and forth on the topic, then Avery's just like, "Imma ask her out, yo," (that isn't what she said xD).

So, we were sitting in art class, a movie (that just happened to be an anime) was playing, and Avery's practically getting down on one knee, and asked me out.

I panicked and said I had a boyfriend.

I didn't.

I regret that soo much now, because as the school year went on, I developed a crush on Avery.

She doesn't have a cell phone, and I don't know her house phone (if she has one), so I haven't talked to her all. Summer. And it. Killing. Me.

My biggest fear is that she's moved on, or she realized she wasn't bi.

The suspense is killing mEe.

The forth and final person is the jerk named Preston.

I'm not even going to give him a fake name.

He knew I liked him. He said he liked me. He called me beautiful.

We talked, texted, FaceTimed, called each other, but we were never officially dating.

Then, out of no where, he stops taking to me.

I don't hear from him in months, but I find out he's been keeping up with my sister.

He stopped talking to me because he didn't want to tell me that he's moved on and was interested in my sister.

This doesn't have anything to do with me being awkward, this only involves him being a jerk.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this, if so, I'll tell you more stories from my awkward life.

Remember, if someone you like asks you out, don't pull a me and reject them out of fear. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

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