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7:07 am
and im standing outside at a bus stop in the cold. its still dark out and unfortunately I've left my jacket at home so im shivering.
i grab my phone, plug in my earbuds and play some music. after a couple seconds into the first song i feel someone join me at my stop.
i look over to catch a glimpse of who's standing next to me and all i see is a flash of blue hair.
i start to tap my foot as the bus finally pulls up and I step on. i take a seat towards the back and the boy from the stop sits diagonally from me. i start to run over his features. he has squinted eyes and messily dyed hair. he also has a nose ring. i like him.
i see him side eye me so i quickly look away and look out of the window until the bus pulls into the school parking lot. i stand up and take out my earbuds before walking off of the bus. as i walk into the school the boy with the sky blue hair disappears. i go to my locker and put up my bag before heading to homeroom.

7:07 a.m.Where stories live. Discover now