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"Because," I blink slowly
"What you do looks like fun."

Josh looks away from the road for a spilt second to look at me,
"Uhm, are you sure?" I simply nod.
"Yeah, plus I don't like being in the car nor do I like being alone."
He nods, "okay, next time I go in somewhere I'll make sure to get you stuff." I smile,
"Thanks, josh." He nods,
"Yeah.. of course, tyler."
"So, is there a specific color you want your mask to be?"
"Well, I'd like a red one but isn't it supposed to be black for blending purposes?" Josh nods,
"Well, you won't need to worry about blending in because no one will come for you when ive got your back." I smile
"Okay, josh."
We drive for a bit longer,
"So where are we going anyway?"
"Well, we'll be driving for a while. Like, just around but i was thinking California."
I nod,
"So, why do we have to drive around?"
"Because, we gotta get the cops off of our trail."
I nod, "right, of course. That makes sense." He laughs and I laugh with him.
"You wanna pull over so I can take off the backpack and you can eat?"
I shrug, "sure."
Josh pulls over and slides the backpack off, "here you go." He hands me the bag, "you can have whatever you like but I specifically grabbed a couple of red bulls and a box of waffle crisps for you." I grin.
"Those are my favorite."
Josh fake gasps,
"No way, those are my favorite too."
I got my first tattoo, its a stick n poke and its a little ø on my knee :)

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