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3:29 p.m.
that's all I hear before I fall and my head hits the ground leaving me out cold.
I hear shouting and more bangs in the distance before someone pulls me up by my arm and just as suddenly as I'm pulled up; I'm pulled back into consciousness.
everything is spinning and my legs don't nearly feel strong enough to hold me up yet I'm still standing. everything keeps coming in and out of focus as I'm being pull out of the store and I'm running along side someone. and right before im fully out of the door I look back and all I see is a pool of ruby red on the floor.
I'm going as fast as my legs can carry me as I feel the top of my head.
that blood wasn't mine.
and according to how alert the person next to me is im pretty sure it wasn't theirs either.
everything is mixing together and I can't hear. My heart is pounding in my ears.
im running as salty tears start to cascade down my face.
we jolt to a stop as we get to a car and whomever I was running with opens my door as i jump in as an instinct.
as soon as the other person gets into the drivers seat they drive off faster than I thought was possible.
i slowly start to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I open my eyes that I didn't know I was closing.
i look around the car and on the dashboard there's a pair of drumsticks duct taped down.
i slowly look over to see the boy with the sky blue hair from my bus stop.

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