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"Hey, Josh?"
He looks over at me for a split second, "yeah, baby boy?"
A blush creeps across my face,
"Can we pull over somewhere so i can see what you got?" He smiles and nods.
After a minute or two we pull into an empty field. He slides off the backpack but im not paying attention to the bag. Im watching the field and the dancing flowers that cover every inch of it.
"Can we go and sit out there?" Josh bites his lip and nods,
"Of course."
We get out of the car and josh hands me the backpack before walking to the back of the car and grabbing a blanket out of the trunk.
"You lead the way." I smile and nod before walking ahead and finding a clear spot,
"Right here."
Josh places the blanket down and we sit across from each other; our legs criss-cross. I put the bag between us and unzip it. I pull my mask out of the bag. I grin, "its red." He smiles,
"Thats the color you wanted right?" I nod and hold it to my chest before josh speaks up, "i also got us some black jeans and a blank black hoodie for each of us." I pull the items out of the bag. And then i see that there still a couple of things left in the bag and i furrow my brows and look up at him before pulling them out. First i pull out two cans of spray paint. One red and one black. Then i pull out a box of hair dye. Its red. I look up at him.
"People have got me on camera and stuff so ive gotta change the way i look." I nod,
"What about me?"
He looks down in his lap and bites his lip,
"If anything happens then were still saying that im holding you hostage. Because i don-"
I cut him off, "no. Were not. I could've tried to leave multiple times. But i didnt. Im here because i want to be. And because i trust you. Im going to end up robbing places with you and doing other things as well. Im a part of this just as much as you are."
Josh stares at me for what seems like forever and places his hand on my cheek,
"Baby boy, you're so cool."
Hey, i hope this is a good chapter n stuff. Its prolly gonna be a while before i update again xx

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