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Josh and I are lying in bed watching T.v. as i run my hand through his now bright red hair.
"Your hair is very soft."
He smiles, "s'only after I dye it."
I roll my eyes,
"Your hair has always been soft."
He laughs, "yeah yeah, whatever."
I smile and burry my face into his shoulder when all of a sudden there's a pounding on the door.
Suddenly it's silent. So silent that I can hear my bloodstream in my ears. I can hear Josh and I breathing and I can hear my heart beating through my chest. Josh looks at me,
"Grab your mask. Quietly."
I nod and slip on my mask and hoodie. He walks to the door with his mask and hoodie on as well but also with his gun. He looks back at me and nods towards our window addressing for me to stand next to it.
I walk over to the window as i hear a pounding on the door again.
Maybe it's just the pounding of my heartbeat. No, it's the door. I can tell by the way Josh slowly looks through the peephole and immediately signals for me to open the window.
I do so quietly.
He grabs our backpack and slowly tip toes towards me and ushers me onto the ledge outside. He whispers quietly.
"We're only on the second story, I'm gonna jump down and then I'm gonna need you to as well. I'll catch you okay? I promise." He holds out his pinky. I pinky promise him.
"We have to be quick." I nod
He jumps down and rolls.
He then looks up at me and holds his arms out.
I've always thought of jumping from ledges but not quite like this.
I inhale and drop
He catches me and we stumble and fall. He helps me up after he stands and we run to the car.
We hear the door of our hotel room being kicked down and we jump into his car.
Immediately Josh takes off and we're going over 60mph.
I look over at him and laugh,
"What are you laughin bout?" He grins.
"The irony." I shake my head
He furrows his brows,
"Care to explain for me?"
I nod, "I'd always thought of jumping off of ledges but I'd always think of it as a way to kill myself. Because I was trapped but now I'm jumping of ledges because I'm free and I want to live and I find it to be ironic."
I laugh a little more and Josh smiles and shakes his head before using his freehand to grab my hand and kiss my knuckles.

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