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Josh and I pull into a hotel and grab our bag before walking into the lobby and renting a hotel room for the night. We get into the elevator and go to the third floor and walk to our room. As we walk into the room Josh opens the bag.
"So, I'm gonna dye my hair real quick." I nod,
"Can i help?" He then smiles,
"Of course." He grabs the box of dye out of the bag and walks to the bathroom as I follow him in there.
"so, have you ever dyed hair before?"he asks me, 
"well, no. but it cant be that hard." he chuckles.
"okay, tyler. so youre just gonna put the powder into this bottle and shake it up. thats gonna be the bleach." i nod and do what he'd told me to do.
"okay, so do i just put this in your hair?" josh nods
"yeah, but be careful and try to put it on as evenly as possible." i grin and nod, 
"okay." i start to put some on his hair and run my hands through it to make sure its all evened out. he tilts his head back with his eyes closed, "i love it when people do my hair. or play with it." i smile and put on some more bleach, "ill keep that in mind." he laughs.
i finish putting all of the bleach in his hair and continuously run my hands through it. 
"so, how long do we keep it in?" i ask. he hums a warm tone before speaking, 
"we'll check every five minutes." i nod and scratch his head as he hums.
"are we gonna dye my hair?" he shakes his head, 
"no, i like your natural hair a lot plus it'll damage your hair." i nod, 
"okay, well what are we gonna change about me?"
he opens his eyes to look at me, "nothing."
i furrow my brows, "why not?" he just shrugs and i roll my eyes. "m'kay."
its been about five minutes so i check on his hair, 
"its like a pale green." josh smiles and nods, "so, we'll give it about five or ten more minutes." i nod and keep running my gloved hands through his hair.
"hey, tyler?" i hum in response.
"i reeaaally like you a lot."
i grin, "and i reeaaaly like you a lot too." he smiles
"i cant wait to kiss you." i blush and nod, "i cant wait for you to kiss me."
he places his hand on my cheek and turns my face and kisses the opposite side of my face.
i smile so wide it feels like my face will crack open.
"tyler, i'd like to know more about you."
i smile, "ask away."
"can we do it how we did it in the car." i nod.
"okay, what kind of music do you like?"
i shrug, "i like a lot of music. it just depends upon the artist i guess. but i really dislike country."
josh nods, "me too."
i think for a second as i continue running my hand through his hair, "do you play any instruments?" he nods.
"i play the drums." i smile,
"thats sick." he grins back at me, "yeah, and you? do you play any instruments?"
i nod slowly, "i play piano and ukulele." josh grins so wide to the point where the sides of his eyes crinkle and his smile lines appear vividly.
"thats precious." he replies. i shake my head. 
"thank you, Spooky."
he nods, "okay tyler, so have you ever been out of state. excluding this." i shake my head again.
"nope. ive never left ohio before." josh nods.
"do you like traveling?" i ask him.
he nods, "i love it. i love seeing new things. Meeting new people."
A smile, "whats the best thing you've seen while traveling?"
He grins,

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