Never be alone

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The men of the glade have always been tough, they never cared about who they hurt. They never cared about what they did and who's feeling they had hurt. That's how it has always been for as long as they could remember. So when Theo lifted the body out from the box like it was the most precious thing in the world they all stared in confusion. Theo gently laid the boy on the ground like he was scared to hurt him. He was staring at the boy with eyes full of lust and desire. The boy then shoved peters arms off of him and stood up looking around and staring at his surroundings untill he saw all the men staring at him.

"Hey." A man said from behind him. The boy then turned around to see a tall man with dark hair and brown eyes. " Its all right. My name is Peter." He went on "we are not here to hurt you. You just have to trust us. Okay." The boy then slowly shook his head and started walking backwards still staring at Peter. Untill he hit a rock solid surface. When he turned around he saw the most attractive man he had ever seen. He had stubble and green eyes that were staring at him with no emotion. Before he could move again Peter had taken his arm and said " you need to trust us okay we are a family and you are one of us now. Can I count on you not to freak out again." Stiles nodded his head and walked off with Peter while the rest of the men went back to work.

"It's ordinary to have forgotten everything about your past, but soon your name will come back to you." Peter said to him while they were sitting in a tall tower made from wood. "Stiles... My name is Stiles." Peter smiled and said "well Stiles, what is it that you want to do. I mean we all have to pitch in some how." Stiles eyes then fell on the huge closed steel doors that he saw when he first arrived. "I want to go in there." He said staring back at Peter who was now taken back at Stiles comment. "You can't, we already have people for that, and besides, I don't think you are strong enough to handle the maze." Stiles knew what he was taking about since everyone else was a lot more muscular than him. "How could you possibly know that I am not capable of handling the maze?" Stiles questioned. Peter sighed and pointed to the man Stiles had bumped into when he first arrived and a tall man with the same build but darker skin tone next to him. " That's how you should look to enter the maze. They are the strongest here and they have to be to enter the maze. You could be a medic, you look smart enough." Stiles then nodded and got up with Peter as he said "let's go meet the other I am sure you will be quite the VIP here." Peter said, and then walked of leaving Stiles confused by that comment.

Stiles was sat by the bonfire biting into his food and looking at the people he just met. There was Mason and Corey, a couple that cooked and served the food. Near to them was Scott and Isaac who were medics and they were the smartest in the glade. Across from them were the group of builders who were very strong. There was Theo, the man who pulled him out of the box, to the left of him was Liam, a boy no older than 16. And to Theo's right there was Jackson, he and Theo looked like they could be brothers. Quite far away from them there was Peter and Chris. Chris was the wepean maker and the best fighter of the group. Finally joining the glade were the two runners, Derek, the handsom man who he bumbed into before, and next to him was Boyd, who had the same build as Derek but had a darker skin tone to him.

"So." Scott said to Stiles catching Stiles of guard. " I heard you want to be a medic." "No." Stiles said "I want to be a runner." The smile that was on Scotts face was quickly replaced by a look of confusion. "Stiles, being a runner is dangerous you could die, you could get trapped in there, and no one has survived a night in the maze." Scott says rather quickly. " How could they die?" Stiles questioned. Then they heard a howl coming from beyond the walls that only him and Scott payed attention to. "That's how, wolves that kill anything that they see. And you would not last very long especially with your build." Scott say looking away from Stiles. "What does that mean?" Stiles asked angrily. "Nothing." Scott answered with guilt in his voice knowing it was not the right thing to say. " Just that you don't have the amount of muscle as the runners do and you probobally are not as fast." "You know." Stiles says "looks can be deceiving!" Stiles says before walking off into the woods, ignoring the apologies from Scott.

Stiles rested his back on a tree and slided down on to the ground. He was staring at the ground thinking about what his life could have been like before all this. Then a sound from behind him dragged him away from his thoughts. Stiles quickly got up and looked behind him trying to find out who it was who made the noise. He found no one there, untill he turned back around and saw Theo there. "Oh my god Theo you scared me." Stiles says breathing heavily. But before he could say anything else Theo had pushed him against the tree holding Stiles there with one hand placed on his chest. "What are you doing Theo, let me go!" Stiles yells but his voice was drowned out by all the voices coming from the bonfire. " You know Stiles." Theo says with a smirk on his face. " You are really beautiful, let's say we have some fun." Stiles immediately starts struggling again trying to get out of Theo's grip, but it was no use. Theo then started kissing Stiles neck while Stiles cries for help remained unheard, and the night went on.

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