The killer

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Stiles had avoided any interactions with anyone for the whole day. He didn't get any sleep that night either. He laid down on his hammock and let a melancholy feeling take over his body. Tears escaping his eyes.

The next day Stiles could not bare to go into the maze with Derek, so he went into the woods, alone and hurt. He thought he was by himself but he saw a shadow coming from his right side. He looked over and saw Mason. The cook.

"Hey." Stiles said looking away and wiping away his tears. But all Mason did was advance on him. Stiles looked confused. "I'm sorry it had to come down to this Stiles." Mason said quietly. "But you left me no choice... Derek told me you know. And even though he begged me not to kill you, I have to." Mason said before he pulled two staked from his pockets, one in either hand.

Stiles looked at him scared and backed away. Putting his hands up. Mason ran towards him as Stiles tried to run away. Mason then tackled Stiles by the leg. Stiles felt weak, even though Chris had taught him how to defend himself. Mason was trying to strangle Stiles with the wooden stake. He was pushing the stake down onto Stiles throat but Stiles also had his hands on the wooden stake and pushing up. Mason was wining and the stake was slowly coming down to Stiles throat. Stiles yelled and screamed out for help as loud as his voice would let him.
Mason almost had the Wooden stake at Stiles throat as Stiles had a look of vulnerability on his face as a few tears fell from him face. But before the stake touched his throat a hand wrapped around Masons neck and pulled him off of Stiles and was choking him on the ground. Stiles looked up and saw Derek with a look of anger on his face as he was choking Mason as the rest of the gladers ran in to help Stiles and to pull Derek of off Mason.

Liam helped Stiles up. "Are you okay." He asked. Stiles just nodded his head as he looked at people's failing attempt to get Derek to stop strangling Mason. Derek then let go when he saw Mason could not last much longer. He looked over at Stiles who had his head in his hands. Stiles looked up felling the stares and saw Derek walking towards him. Stiles just got up and walked off.

They all walked back to the glade area and they put Mason in a cell. They all ignored him threatening to kill them. Stiles sat with Scott and Isaac who were trying to help him from any bruises, but Stiles was fine, all he wanted to do was forget that this ever happened.

Later that day as the sun was going to set Stiles laid on his hammock trying to get to sleep, but he couldn't. He was traumatised. He decided to go for a walk. He slowly entered the woods and looked around very cautiously. He thought he was alone again until he felt someone's hand in his shoulder. Stiles turned around and saw Theo.

"What do you want." Stiles said coldly. "I want to talk." Theo said "I have nothing to say to you." Stiles replied annoyed. "I came here to apologise. Look... I know what I did was wrong and that I should not be forgiven for what I have done, but is it really that bad that I think your beautiful." Theo said sadly. "You think an apology is going to solve everything." Stiles shouted back. "No!" Theo shouted back "and I know that you won't forgive me right away but I can hope that one day you will." Stiles wanted to say something else but was cut of but the sound of shouting and yelling coming from the glade.

Stiles and Theo both ran to the glade to see people running around. "What's happening?" Theo asked Jackson. Jackson pointed towards the open steel doors. "The doors won't close." Stiles saw the huge steel doors open and saw packs of wolves running in.

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