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Stiles sat next to Derek unconscious body. Derek had been unconscious ever since he was bit and it had been a few hours.

People had called Stiles a hero, because he dragged Derek's body all the way out of the woods while yelling for help. Stiles had reached the glade and was finding it hard to breath while people ran and picked up Derek's body and took him to the imfermary. Stiles looked around as he saw Chris walk towards him. "Where's Peter?" He asked. The image of Peter getting his throat ripped out came to Stiles mind. "He's dead." Stiles said looking at the ground. He heard Chris sigh and before Stiles could say anything he was gone.

Now Stiles was sat with the unconscious Derek. His wounds had all been stitched up. Stiles sat in the seat next to Derek making more arrows. He had his dagger in his hand and was scraping it across the wooden stick to sharpen the arrows.

Then Liam walked in. "Hey." He said looking at Derek and then to Stiles. His eyes widening to the amount of arrows Stiles had made. Stiles just smiled at Liam. "I need to warn you about something." Liam said again. Stiles looked confused. "Now that Peter is dead, Chris is the new leader, and he is the a bad person... He only cares about himself and if he leads us then we're all doomed." Liam then quickly got up and walked out of the door. Leaving Stiles confused.

Stiles was about to follow Liam until he heard a groan. Stiles looked over at Derek to see his eyes beginning to open. Derek was starting to sit up until Stiles pushed him back down. "Wait here I'll go get Scott." Stiles said before rushing out the door.

After Scott had said that Derek was fine Stiles sighed in relief. He could now rest knowing that Derek would be okay. He couldn't handle Derek dying thinking Stiles hated him. "You should rest you look tired." Derek said to Stiles.

"So should you... You scared me you know. I thought you were going to die." Stiles said holding back tears.

"I'm fine okay. I don't want you worrying about me." Derek said back. Stiles just nodded and sat back in his chair. He was ready to let sleep take over until he heard people arguing outside.

Stiles and Derek were fast to get up. They walked outside and saw Chris. Standing on a small wooden box so he was taller than everyone else. "If we stay then we are going to die." He heard Theo shout out from the crowd.

"But once we step foot into the maze we are all going to die." Chris shouted back. "There are thousands of wolves in the maze and if we go in we are all dead."

"And if we stay here we are all dead. There are more of them than us." Scott argued. Chris looked around and his eyes landed on Stiles and Derek.

"Not tonight." Chris said. He then pointed at Stiles and Derek. "This is your fault! If you never found that place in the maze which you think is a way out then this would have never happened." Stiles was shocked. "We will not die tonight because Stiles and Derek will be our offering to the wolves!" Chris screamed. "Take them to there cells." Gladers came and took them, while Chris was smiling to himself and ignoring the yelling coming from them.

Waking up to find yourself. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now