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Stiles was comfortably lying down on his hammock which was just made of cloth. He was talking to Scott who's hammock was adjacent to his. He had been receiving a few stares from Theo ever since that night that he raped him. Even though Stiles never told anyone what happened, he wanted to see Theo beaten and bloodied. He had also been receiving a few stares from Derek, but he did not mind them. "Okay everyone, lights out." Peter announced before blowing out the candles and jumping on his hammock. Stiles turned over and let sleep dominate his body.

The next morning Stiles put away the brush that he was sweeping the wooden floor boards with. He turned around and saw Boyd and Derek run into the maze as Stiles looked in envy. Later Stiles looked up and saw the runners run back in. He saw Derek stair at him. They only broke contact when Scott taped Stiles on the back. "You need to collect more wood." He said handing him a bucket. Stiles sighed, he took the bucket and walked back into the woods.

He saw a man standing infront of him. Stiles jumped in shock. He reached out his hand and said. "Hi, your Matt right, I'm Stiles." Stiles then retrieved his hands when he saw Matt shaking with anger. "Hey are you okay?" He asked. "I... Saw you." Matt said quietly. Stiles looked confused. "The other night with Theo." Stiles looked shocked. "You can't tell anyone." Stiles said. "You can't have him... You can't!" Matt shouted back at him. Stiles looked disgusted." I don't want him." But before he could say a thing Matt had his hand over Stiles's neck and pushed him to the floor.

"I will kill you!" He screamed strangling Stiles, ignoring Stiles shouting for him to get off. Stiles found a wooden stick from the bucket he had dropped and wacked it over Matts head, and took that moment that Matt was on the floor to run. But Matt caught up quick and pushed Stiles. They both went tumbling down a hill. Stiles got up quick and started to run yelling for help. His calls for help did not go unheard as people in the glade were all looking around in confusion. Stiles then came out from the woods running and yelling for help as Matt followed and tackled him to the floor screaming at Stiles. When Matt looked up Chris had brought a long wooden stick to Matts face. They all held Matt down and Scott helped Stiles up. "What happend?" He asked worried. "I don't know he just attacked me." Stiles said, looking around he saw the huge steel doors that were now closed. He then saw Derek staring at him. Stiles looked away and walked off, Derek followed.

Stiles sat down on the floor, his back resting on the wooden wall. He watched as they put Matt in a cell to lock him away as he made his threats. Derek came and sat down next to him, Stiles heart started to beat faster. "Why would he do that?" Derek asked. "I don't know." Stiles said breathing heavily. "Your lying." Derek said his voice raising. "Tell me the truth Stiles." "I told you, I don't know." Stiles said before getting up. Derek followed and grabbed Stiles by the arm. "Tell me the truth." Stiles was going to have to tell him. "You have to promise not to tell anyone." Stiles said, Derek nodded his head and Stiles told him what Theo had done.

There it was. A sight that Stiles wanted to see for a very long time. Theo beaten up. His face full of bruises and a black eye. His nose was bleeding and he he had bruises all over his body. After Stiles had told Derek what Theo had done to him, Derek walked out to find Theo in the woods alone. He then punched Theo in the face and the fell as Derek grabbed him by the neck and started punching him on the face over and over. He then hit Theo in the temple and Theo blacked out.

Derek then stormed out and Stiles followed him. "What was that!" Stiles asked shocked about what he had just done. Derek just carried on walking off. He then stopped and with his back to Stiles, not able to bring himself to look at him. "That's what he deserved." Derek said before walking off again. Stiles decided to keep his distance from Derek from now on.

The next morning Stiles had gotten up early because he needed to help Theo, because Theo was un able to move. He now was sweeping the wooden floor boards while everyone else was sleeping. He heard a voice coming from behind him saying "Stiles." Stiles already knew who it was. "Hey Derek." Stiles whispered carrying on cleaning with his back to Derek. "Are you going to carry on ignoring me?" Derek asked his voice breaking a little. Stiles did not answer. "Please talk to me." Derek begged. "What do you want." Stiles blurted out. "Can you come with me." Derek questioned. "I have to work." Stiles said. "You can take take twenty minutes of, everyone else will be sleeping anyway." Stiles reluctantly nodded his head and followed Derek into the nightmare filled woods.

Stiles followed Derek into a deeper part of the woods wich no one has been to except Derek. All he heard was the sound of water running. He saw a magnificent and beautiful water fall wich he loved. Derek gave him a smile as he walked behind the water fall and into the cave. Stiles did the same. He looked around the dimly lit cave and Derek said. "This is were I come to be alone." "Have you shown anyone this place?" Stiles asked. "Just Boyd, because he is the only person I actually like in the glade... Well, apart from you." Stiles was confused but did not want to make it more awkward then it already was by asking him about what he just said. " If this is were you come to be alone then why did you invite me?" Stiles questioned. Derek just fell silent again.

Stiles sighed. "The people who put us in here are sick people." Derek said. "They put us in here with you. They are trying to punish us by using you." "How?" Stiles asked. But Derek did not answer his question, again. After that they spent most the time in the cave talking and laughing. Stiles felt closer to Derek now. "We should probobally get going." Derek said because they had been there for some time now. Stiles just nodded and walked out with Derek. When they were halfway back they smelt something off. Derek immediately grabbed Stiles's hand, as he knew what the smell was. They carried on walking untill they reached a cabin that Stiles knew only the runners could go into, to map the maze. But on the walls they saw Boyd with his arms dangling by his sides and his head rested on his chest and a wooden stake piercing his heart. Derek then turned to Stiled who looked shocked and said. "There's a killer in the glade."

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