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Stiles was sat with Derek by Boyds grave, which Derek had made himself. Before Chris came to them and asked to speak with Stiles. Stiles followed Chris untill he stopped walking. "Stiles if there is a killer here then you are in a very vulnerable position." He said to Stiles looking at him with worry in his eyes. "We're all vulnerable." Stiles said back to him. "Yes, but everyone else here is a lot stronger than you." Chris said back to Stiles. Stiles looked down at the ground. "What do you want me to do?" Stiles asked. "I can teach you how to fight if you give me the time, I would teach you how to fight so you could beat up anyone in this glade." Stiles stared at Chria weirdly but ultimately nodded his head. "Okay." Stiles said. Chris just nodded and walked away. When Stiles turned back around Derek was gone.


"Yes you can." Derek said to Stiles. "I'm not allowed, my job is to help the people who are injured, I can't go into the maze." Stiles argued. "You can do what you want, plus Boyd is dead... Stiles, it's not safe here. Come with me into the maze." Derek argued back. "But Peter said I can't." Stiles said back. "You don't have to listen to him come with me, I'll keep you safe." Derek replied. Stiles eventually nodded his head and went with Derek into the maze ignoring the stares from everyone else behind him, and Perer angry face.

The maze was absolutely huge. The walls were really big and there were no wolves in sight. It was not that bad of a place. But all Stiles could think about was the immense amount of trouble he was going to be in when he gets back. He tries not to think about it but he couldn't stop. So he just kept on running behind Derek, he knew the maze like the back of his hand. Stiles was looking around where Derek had stopped to map some of the maze when he heard a growl come from behind him. He looked back and saw a wolf.

The wolf was enormous. It's teeth were sharp and it eyes were red. Stiles was stunned, he grabbed on to Derek arms and whispered. "Derek, I thought wolves were only supposed to come out at night. " "They are." Derek replied turning around in confusion. Then he saw the wolf and grabbed Stiles and started backing away. "Stiles." Derek said "run." He said befor pushing Stiles in front of him and running as fast as he could. The wolf chased after them and Derek knew he would not be able to out run the wolf.

They ran towards a different section, the walls were starting to close. Derek ran through and looked back at Stiles who was standing on the other side of the wall. He was staring at the wolf running towards him. As soon as the wolf catches up Stiles ran down the wall as it was closing. His heart beat rising. The wolf was close behind him. The wall was closing in on him as Derek was yelling for Stiles to run faster. Stiles then just barely made it and jumped past the closing wall as it crushed the wolf. Stiles could barely breath, and Derek stared at him in shock.

They both started walking again, Stiles did not want to have a conversation about what just happened, but Derek said "that was amazing Stiles." Stiles just shrugged it off not really wanting to talk. "Stiles, you could have died." Stiles just stayed silent. "Let's go back to the glade now." Stiles said. Derek nodded and walked with him to the glade. When they got there the place was deserted, that was until they heard a scream coming from the woods and they ran towards it.

Stiles and Derek went to were the gladers were. They were all crowding over one space. Stiles pushed past everyone and saw Corey. His stomach had a wooden stake peircing it and a wooden stake in his heart. He had a rope around his neck wich left marks on his neck. Stiles looked shocked. He looked around and saw Mason (Corey's boyfriend) on the floor, crying and shaking. Liam had his arm around him. He looked around for Derek and saw him talking to Peter. He then looked behind them and saw Theo, he had bruises all over his face. Theo then smiled at Stiles and walked away. "Okay everyone, clear off." Peter announced. As people started walking away. "Not you Stiles, I want to talk to you." Peter said and Stiles heart beat went up again.

"So, you went into the maze." Peter said calmly. Stiles nodded his head. "I'm sorry for disobeying your orders, it's just that Derek wanted to keep me safe." Stiles said really fast. Peter nodded his head and said "I am not stopping you from going into the maze." Stiles looked confused "I heard about your heroic actions, and we need someone as brave as you to help us get out of here." Peter said walking past Stiles. He patted him on the back and said "congratulations Stiles, your a runner." Peter said before walking off and leaving Stiles shocked and happy.

Scott basically suffocated Stiles when he hugged him. "Congratulations, I know you've wanted to go into the maze since day one. Maybe you'll find a way out." He said nodding. Scott then said "hey your boyfriend is really possessive." Stiles looked confused as he turned around and saw Derek staring at Scott. "He's not my boyfriend." Stiles said back. "Okay, I am going to sleep before he kills me." Scott said leaving Stiles.

Stiles then laid down on his hammock and Derek came to lay down next to him. "So, everyone now knows about what happened in the maze." Derek said smiling. "Did you have to tell everyone." Stiles asked. "You deserve the credit, your the first person to ever kill a wolf." Derek replied. Stiles smiled. He then recalled what Scott had said to him. "Why are you so protective over me." Stiles questioned. Derek just went silent. Stiles sighed and turned over, knowing that he won't get a reply he closed his eyes trying to get to sleep. Derek only replied when he was certain that Stiles was asleep. "Because I think I'm falling in love with you."

But Stiles was not asleep.

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