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Stiles heart was pounding against his chest like drums. He looked around and saw people running around terrified and he also saw people getting there throats ripped out. Stiles turned around and saw Chris with a angry look on his face. "Take this." He said handing Stiles a bow and arrow set. "Kill all the wolves you can and try to stay alive." Chris said before taking out a sword and running off. Stiles was going to follow until he felt a strong grip on his wrist. He turned around and saw Derek dragging him to the woods, ignoring Stiles request for him to let go.

"What do you want?" Stiles yelled at Derek. "Be quiet, or the wolves will hear you." Derek whispered back. As he dragged Stiles into the cave behind the waterfall. "What are we doing here?" Stiles yelled. "We can't go out there, you could die." Derek said back. "People are dying out there we have to help." Stiles said back. Derek shook his head. "We can't, you could die and I can't live without you." Derek said with sadness in his voice. Stiles was still angry and shouted " I'm going back out there, you can stay here like a coward!" Stiles then shoved Derek out the way and walked out of the cave.

Stiles carefully stepped forward, being as silent as he could. He saw Peter on the floor with his hands drenched in his own blood as he pressed hard on a leg wound. Peter saw Stiles and pointed to a wolf that was to the right of Stiles. The wolves teeth were drenched in blood and was looking around as Stiles aimed his arrow at the wolf and fired it. It hit the wolf directly in the stomach and before it fell to the ground it howled. Stiles was about to go help Peter before hands were on his wrists again. It was Derek. "Stiles we need to go." He said looking around. "Why, it's dead." Stiles spat back. "When a wolf howls it signals it location to the rest of the pack." Stiles looked at Peter who was slowly getting up. "You may be too late." He shouted at them from where he was standing. When Stiles looked around he saw a lot of huge wolves growling and surrounding them.

Derek and Peter took out the wooden stakes that they given and readied themselves. Stiles aimed his arrow at a wolf that was closing in on them. It slowly walked growling lowly. He then fired his arrow at the wolf and it whimpered before collapsing to the ground. Wolves came racing in jumping in the air trying to pounce at him but Stiles just kept firing his arrows. Stiles then turned around and saw a wolf jump at him but before it landed on him a body came in the way and protected Stiles. It was Peter. Stiles watched as the wolf ripped out Peters throat. The wolf looked up at Stiles but Derek then smashed in the wolfs skull with his wooden stake and the wolf fell to the ground. He then pulled his stake out from the wolf and threw it at a wolf that was behind Stiles and it hit the wolf directly in the throat. Stiles and Derek kept on fight but Stiles was running out of arrows. Before he was out of arrows he heard a loud howl from the glade area and all the wolves ran out and and back out of the woods.

Stiles than looked around to try and find Derek. He found him on the floor with a wolf on top of him. Stiles was quick to shoot the wolf and pushed it of off Derek. He was late, as the wolf had already bitten into Derek's stomach and blood was oozing out of his wound and he was barely even breathing.

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