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So this is the final chapter. But don't worry there will be a sequel. But I don't know when I will start the second book.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


The seven of them walked through the maze, like a pack. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of their feet hitting the floor, and there arrows rattling around in their quivers. They abruptly stopped and took in there surroundings. Looking at the fallen walls of the maze that crashed to the ground. But they carried on walking until they reached there destination.

Slowly peeking round the corner Stiles saw a colossal wolf, with fur as black as ink, guarding the door. Stiles drew his arrow and came into view of the wolf. It growled and charged forward. Stiles quickly released his arrow as it hit the wolf straight in the throat. It flailed around before collapsing on to the ground with a loud thud.

They all started walking slowly with their weapons in their hands. Stiles quickly passed the metallic cylinder to Liam. "Press the button to open the doors." Stiles ordered. Liam quickly nodded and started walking. He stopped when he heard a growl coming from below. They looked over the sides and saw two wolves clawing there way to the top digging their nails into the concrete before launching themselves to the top. One stood in front of them and one behind. They all quickly readied themselves before attacking.

Jabbing his knife into a wolfs stomach Derek kicked the wolf in the stomach as it fell back down the hole. Turning around he saw Stiles firing his arrows at wolves very fast. Derek turned to his right and saw a wolf leaping into the air, it's mouth wide open, Derek put his long wooden stake in the air as the wolf bit down on it. He pounded the wolfs head in several times with his knife as the wolf fell to the ground.

He then saw Scott throw his stake as it hit went through the wolves mouth and back out off its neck. Jackson had his knife at the wolves throat and harshly sliced its neck and blood drizzled down its fur. Isaac was on the floor as a wolf was on top of him biting into the wooden stake Isaac had put in the air. Isaac kicked the wolf with his feet, the wolf fell back and Isaac was quick to intensely stab the wolfs stomach with his stake several times. Theo and Liam were both working together on one huge wolf. Theo quickly plunged his stake into the wolves eye as Liam stuck his stake into the wolves mouth as it ripped through its skull and out of its head.

Liam quickly ran towards the cold grey walls and pressed the button on the metal cylinder. The flew upward and led to a closed steel door. He reached the door and shouted out. "What's the code."

Stiles looked over at Derek who was struggling but eventually stabbed a wolf in its back. "The code is 1357246." He yelled kicking another wolf as it flew back down the hole. The door opened. Making a robotic sound as it opened. The rest of them ran back to the door. Looking back they saw a wolf running towards them. Stiles aimed his arrow and fired it directly at its head as the arrow pierced the wolves skull. It was flailing around until the walls started to close again and squashed the wolf.

Looking around Stiles saw everyone he came in with. "Everyone okay?" He asked. They all nodded and went through the door. They entered a hallway and started walking to the right. Stiles intwined his fingers with Derek as they kept on walking. They reached a deserted room. Looking around they saw everything was still fine with the room but no one was there. "How do we get out then?" Isaac asked. They just kept looking around until a TV screen was turned on and showed a woman dressed in all white.

"If you are watching this then you were successful in getting out of the maze... And for that I congratulate you." She said. "You are probably wondering why you are here. You see... Outside the maze is a dark and dangerous place. The world of the supernatural has risen and have tooken over. We decided to build this maze to test the publics strengths. We decided on you people because of your personalities. But know you have proven to me and the rest of the world that you can make it in the real world. Thank you." And then the screen went black again. They all stood there confused until they heard footsteps becoming louder.

Looking back they saw Chris with a knife in his hands. He was sweating, his face was red and his hands had blood on them. "You can't leave." He said.

"What are you talking about Chris, we found a way out just come with us." Stiles tried to reason with him.

Chris just shook his head no. "There's no escaping the maze." He said raising his knife in Stiles direction. Derek and Theo both took steps forward trying to protect Stiles. As Scotts hands clutched a wooden stake by his side. "We belong to the maze." Chris said before chucking his knife. At the same time Scott chucked his stake as it hit Chris in the heart. He collapsed onto the floor holding the wooden stake as his mouth filled with blood.

Stiles looked at himself, he didn't feel any pain. Neither did Derek and Theo. Stiles signed in relief. "He missed." Stiles said before Liam turned around with a knife stuck in between his chest and blood seeping through his shirt. He fell to the ground.

Stiles quickly catches him. "No no no no no!" Stiles screamed as he took Liam's hands into his own. Tears falling down all there faces. Just then the doors started to open and people wearing black started to run through.

"Go." Liam whispered

Stiles shook his head. "Not without you. No you can't die. No!" Everyone started to run out and Stiles stayed crying as Liam drew his last breath and closed his eyes. "But we made it. No wake up!" He yelled grabbing Liam's shirt as the guards grabbed him and ripped him apart from Liam dead body. They dragged him out to the world an into a helicopter.

"Don't worry everything will be okay now." The man dressed in black said before taking of his balaclava. Tears still fell from Stiles face as he rested his head on Derek's chest. The helicopter took of as everyone looked out of the. Window and take one last look at the nightmare filled place they called the maze.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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