Chap 1. The Concert

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Sophie's POV
I can't believe it! In approximately one hour my one of my favorite people in the whole world will come out onto the stage that is about ten feet from where I'm sitting. I'm one of the first people in the building, and the first in my section. My dad just left to grab us some pizza for dinner, but I know I'm too excited to eat more than a few bites. I'm sitting down in my seat, knowing it'll be the last time I sit for a few hours. I felt super nervous for some reason, almost as if I was going to be performing. In fact, my leg was shaking really bad and my palms were sweating. The lights flickered once, so I naturally started freaking out even more than before. My dad came back and then I saw someone put her tea on the stage. I knew the time was near. Then all of a sudden a medium sized box was rolled under the freestanding b-stage. People started freaking out and I started filming with my phone. I got a weird sensation that ran through me, almost like a sense of dread. The lights went out and the music for Hello started. Adele came up through a lift in the stage, and as soon as I laid eyes on her, I started bawling. She started singing, and I just cried harder. Then something odd happened. She made eye contact with me and smiled a little bit. All of a sudden, calm washed over my body and I stopped crying. It was really weird. Then about half way through the song, she walked from the b-stage, near where I was sitting, over to the main stage, also near where I was sitting, but b was closer. The song ended and Adele started her normal concert banter, which I had seen many times in others videos, but it was different in person. Not only were the words different, but it felt as though she was talking directly to me, and not 20,000 people. I knew this would be the best night of my life.
Oi oi!!! So I've got a new book y'all, if you haven't already noticed. Daydreamer: An Adele Fanfic will still be continuing, and I haven't really decided a schedule for them yet. Just know that I'm going back to school in a weeks, so things will be a bit hectic. Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote!

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