Chap. 6 Boxes

442 26 14

Sophie's POV
Everything hurts. I don't know what happened to cause me to be in this state, but it really fucking hurts. I also have no idea where I am and no recollection of the past day. I open my eyes, only to find that it's just as dark as when they were closed. I attempt to stretch my arms, but my wrists are tied together. Besides that, I can only move them a few inches before hitting a wall of some sort. I'm obviously in a very small space. I try reaching upwards, and I can, but only about two feet. What in the world would have proportions such as these? Surely this is to small for a closet. I begin to move my hands all over, drying to find some sort of opening to my small enclosure. I can feel a seam of sorts, but no way to open it. I believe I'm in some sort of box.

I run my hands on the ceiling, feeling a switch. I flip it, and a light comes on. I have to shut my eyes because it's too bright after being in the dark for so long. After a few minutes of trying to open my eyes and failing, I do manage to open my eyes. Well, I was right, I'm trapped in a box. There are some messages in here that may help me. One says, "I love you Delly. You'll do great. Love, Simon." Another says, "you're the best mum in the world! Love, Angelo." The only problem is that I have no idea who those people are. I can feel those names tugging on my brain, but no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to remember.

I awkwardly try to turn myself around, hoping there will be more messages on the other side. I try not to shaken the box to much, because I don't want my captors to know I'm awake. The other end of the box is blank of messages, but there is a little rectangle viewing spot. Unfortunately enough for me, it has been blocked off from the outside of the box.

I try and make myself as comfortable as possible to think of means to escape. About a half an hour later, though, the box starts to move. "Peter! Bring the box over here!" I hear. The box moves for about ten seconds, so I guess we are in a medium sized room.

"Alright Gabe, what should I do now?"

"Bring the other box with Adele in it over here too. I think it's about time we let them in on what we plan to do with them." Said who I assume was Gabe.

"You got it." I hear more rolling sounds and then they stop right next to me. I quickly switch off the light in my box, not wanting my captors to know I've discovered it. There are some clicks, and then the box next to me pops open. "Well hello there Adele."

"Peter you little piece of shit what the fuck! How the fuck could you do this to me and where the hell is Sophie?"

"Sometimes you just have to change up the pecking order a little bit Adele. You've been on top for far too long. As for Sophie, she's right here." Peter taps on my box and then begins to open what I assume are latches on the outside.

"I swear to God Peter if she is harmed in any way I will personally tear your fucking dick off."

"Honestly Adele, I'd love to see you try." All of a sudden, the latches pop open and the two sides of the box come apart. I fall out and to the floor, pretending to blink at the light. After a few seconds of that, I fully open my eyes and take in the surroundings, desperately looking for any means of escape. All I see are another tied up women, a man standing over us, and a second man standing by a door about ten feet away.

"Hello ladies," says the man by the door, "I'm sure your both quite curious about what is happening. Unfortunately, we can't give you a lot of details right now, but let's just say you two are going to make us very, very rich. As for now, you will address me as Mr. 21, but I know Adele knows me on much more... intimate terms. Peter, just for funsies, lets see if we can get both of them into one box. I know Adele has lost a lot of weight since I last saw her, so it shouldn't be a problem. Tata ladies, hope to see you soon." And with that, this so called Adele and I were put into the same box and left in the room.

Damn it's been awhile. My apologies, but I'm only a freshman in high school, so getting used to the change has been a little difficult. However, I'm doing my best to keep on top of everything, and Wattpad is slowly but surely working its way back into the mix. This ones for adelelaughs . Don't forget to comment and vote, it really means a lot.

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