Chap. 2 I Heard It

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Sophie's POV
So far the concert has been amazing. Adele was walking back over to the b-stage for her Sweetest Devotion transition. It's kind of bittersweet being this close to her. So close, yet so far. The song ended and she began doing her usual routine of taking pictures with everyone. I got my dad to take a picture when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to find myself face to face with Adele. "Hi darling, I saw you earlier and I wanted to know if you want to come up for a chat." I was so shocked that all I could do was nod. Adele pointed me to the stairs that went up to the stage. I walked up, nearly tripping multiple times. "Hello sweetie, you look beautiful!"
"Hi I uh... I... You look beautiful too."
"A little nervous are we?" She asked.
"No, not at all," I reply, "it's not as if I'm meeting Adele or anything." Adele laughed and then asked me my name.
"My name is Sophie, what's yours?" I ask, sticking out my hand for a handshake. Adele laughed again and shook my hand.
"My names Adele. You're rather funny, aren't you?" She said. And that's when I heard it. It was a miracle I heard it at all over the crowd noise and Adele talking. A single gunshot rang out, and I had just seconds to react.
Don't you just love suspense? This is for adelelaughs for keeping me in suspense too. Don't forget to comment and vote!

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