Chap. 9 Plans and Pain

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Adele's POV

When we finally woke up, it was very bright in the room, highly contrasting the previous night. I took the chance to scan the room, something I neglected doing before as I just fell into bed. I saw an electric kettle, so I put it on to make tea, which should help me think straighter. And let me tell you, I'm going to need all of the straight thinking I can muster to get us out of this mess. Soon I was on my phone, turning off all of the GPS features. I knew that Peter could track me using his phone, and I did not want that to happen. I also looked up a map, and found out that we were only about ten miles away from the arena. We needed to move, and do it soon.

Finally Sophie woke up at about nine am, and I told her my plan. "We will get a taxi and take it to the nearest Target. Peter doesn't know my account information, so he can't track my purchases. We are going to buy two new phones, one for you and one for me. That way we can make sure they cannot track us off of either of our phones. At this point, we trust no one except each other. However, we can keep our old phones and try and throw them off of our trail. By the way, does your dad have a way of tracking your phone?" Her eyes went wide.

"I think so. I'm getting like a flashback sort of thing when my brother was late for curfew. My dad had the find my iPhone app, and I could see my phone on there too. Oh no, they are probably using my dad's phone to track us right now." Suddenly there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Housekeeping!" called out a voice that didn't sound like housekeeping at all. It sounded like Peter.

Dan's POV

All I knew was that pain radiated throughout my body. The last thing I remember was hugging my daughter and then walking through a door. Then an intense, focused point of pain erupted in my stomach, and spread throughout the rest of my body. Now I was bound to a chair, and gauze was wrapped around my abdomen. My eyes were closed and my head slumped so that my chin touched my chest. Then a palm slapped my cheek and I shot my head up and opened my eyes. A large man stood over me, sneering. "Why hello there. What's your name?" He said in a British accent. All I did was stare back, and I received another slap because of it. "What. Is. Your. Name?"

"Mark Daniel." I said back. In actuality, that's just my first and middle name reversed, but they'll never know that.

"Ok Mark," the man said, spitting in my face a bit as he did, "where did your daughter go?"
"I haven't the slightest idea" I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible. However, I was dying inside at the thought of these goons going after my daughter. I got another slap to the face, and then a hit to my stomach. The pain intensified, and then everything went black.

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