Chap. 8 Escape

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Adele's POV
I looked right and then left, scanning the hallway. There wasn't anyone there, at least not anyone that I could see. For all we knew, they could be hiding in anyone of the doorways, ready to pounce on us like lions in the Sahara. I motioned Sophie with my hand, not wanting to make any noise, just in case. We slowly walked out into the middle of the hallway, completely away from any cover whatsoever. I wish I knew my way around the arena better, but I didn't. Sophie whispered that we should just try and find an exit and formulate a plan when we aren't completely in the enemies territory.

We walked around for a little bit until we made our way to the garage portion of the arena. I got into a black Range Rover and drove over to the garage door. There was no security guard at the gate, and there also wasn't a way around the gate. So I just drove right through it. We were finally up onto the street, at least not so trapped anymore. Unfortunately, I had no idea where I was and Sophie doesn't have her memory at the moment. I would have turned on the gps, but I'm sure they could track us by it so I will not be doing that.

We basically just drove for awhile, trying to put as much distance between us and the arena as possible. However, I don't think we got that far because the traffic was absolutely horrendous. But I guess that rings true with everything I've heard about good ol' Chicago. I also can't take the public transportation, of which there are many, for fear that I would get recognized. Finally after about four hours of driving, or sitting in traffic rather, we came upon a hotel.We were both so tired that we just decided to stop and try and get a room.

"Hi, I'd like one room please, double bed, preferably."

"I'm sorry," the concierge said,"we only have single beds available. Will that be all right?"

"I suppose," I answered, glancing at Sophie as I did. She just shrugged.

"Great. What name will the room be under?"

"Sasha Carter." I said, giving my alias. I took out my credit card under that name and gave it to the man.

"You know, you remind me of someone," he said as he took the card. "You remind me of Adele."

"Really?" I said, trying very hard to play it cool. "No one has ever said that to me before. Can we go to our room now, we our both very tired."

"Oh, yes yes of course. Is there anything else I can do for you ladies?" he said, handing me two keys.

"Yes, if anyone asks if we are here, say no. My crazy ex-husband is after us." With that we went up to elevator to our room on the 14th floor. We walked in and both flopped down on the bed, failing asleep instantly.

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