Chap. 4 Nothing Can Stop Me

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Sophie's POV
When I came to that very scary realization, I felt an odd range of emotions. At first I was very scared because someone just shot a gun at me. Then I felt oddly pissed off and angry. If I had to put it in words, it was something like 'how fucking dare they try to shoot me. How dare they think I can be taken down by a bullet. How dare they think they can stop me.' Once those thoughts crossed my mind, I ran faster. No way were they ever going to stop me, not now, not ever. I have to get her to safety, and most importantly, live to see another day. Because, in actuality, we are all just trying to live to see another day. As I was running, I nearly stopped in my tracks at that thought. Whether or not we realize it, everything we do is to survive. And when your survival is put on the line, everything important is put in its place, and everything meaningless falls away. That's what I realized as I ran, and I was determined that I wouldn't forget it. No longer would my life be taken up by the meaningless.

I finally got underneath the stands and to relative safety, but I kept running. I ran all the way to Adele's dressing room where I could lock the door before having her step out of the box. Peter found us, and I told him to take out his gun, hold it in his hand, and stand guard outside of the room. I shut the door, locked it, and unlatched the box, allowing Adele to step out whenever she felt comfortable. The box opened almost immediately, and a very disheveled looking Adele emerged. "What the fuck is happening."
"That's a very good question to which I don't know the answer."
"Ok well how about you start with the bits where you fucking tackle me to the ground."
"Oh, well I heard a gunshot and you're the only logical person in the room the bullet would come towards so I pushed you out of the way. Then I covered your upper body and head with my torso. Your security guys couldn't figure out for the life of them what was happening, so I had to scream for them to bring the lift down, which they finally did. I got you into your box, which if you don't remember that it might be an issue. Anyways, another guard nearly stopped me, but I yelled at him a little and he just moved out of the way. Then I ran for it. And that pretty much brings us to where we are now."
"Wow, that's a lot to take in at once." Adele said, looking slightly out of it.
"Yeah well it's harder when you live it." I said.
"What do we do now?" Adele asks.
"I honestly couldn't tell yo..." I was cut off by someone banging loudly and urgently on the door.
Het guys. I had a bad day and that's that.

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