Chap. 5 Sophie's Dad

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Adele's POV
I looked at Sophie and she just shrugged. So I picked up my curling iron that would have to function as a weapon and walked over to the door. Sophie armed herself with glasses and bottles of alcohol, which I presumed she would throw at whoever was there. I flung open the door and raised my arm. I was about to hit the man standing on the other side when Sophie said, "oh my god, Dad." and dropped her glasses on the couch. She ran over into the man's arms and immediately started crying. He just held her and cried too, slowly rubbing her back in an effort to calm her down.

I felt a little bit awkward just standing there watching them, but I saw something truly special. I saw an unbreakable bond between a father and a daughter. They nearly just lost each other, and the thought of that left them both so torn up inside that all they could do was hold and comfort each other. It made me wish that I had had a better relationship with my father. However, I was now old enough to know and understand that it wasn't anything that I had done to drive him away. It was his own damn fault that he didn't want to be with his girlfriend and child. And that brought me to thinking about my own child. My sweet baby boy nearly just lost his mother. And with that thought, I started crying too. Let me tell you, I am an extremely loud crier.

Sophie heard my sobs and turned to look at me. She hesitated, looked up at her dad, and walked over to me. Without saying a word, she put her arms around me and pulled me into a hug. It honestly shocked that someone who I had just met could care about me so much to leave the safety of her father's arms purely to comfort me. Most people I have known for years wouldn't do that, yet I have known this girl for forty five minutes tops and she has already saved my life multiple times and now this. I just put my arms around her and hugged her back. She tended for a second, probably not expecting that, but then relaxed. Her dad came over and put his arms around me too, squishing Sophie in the middle of a group hug. We stayed like that for a minute or two, and then released.

"Alright," Sophie's dad, "the arena has been cleared of everyone and been searched for anyone or anything hiding. We should be safe to go out now, I think your bodyguard is waiting for us at the end of the hallway." He walked out of the doorway. A shot rang out and time seemed to stop. All of a sudden, Sophie's dad crumpled to the floor.

"No!" She screamed, "no no no." And ran out into the hallway. But she didn't stop at her dad's prostrate body. She kept running towards the direction of the bullet. I ran into the hallway as well, trying to see what I could. I watched as Sophie launched herself at a man twice her size, tackling him to the ground. She startled his chest, and began repeating lay punching him in the face. At ever punch I saw her face change in emotion, but the anger in her eyes remained. I bent over her father, trying to discern whether or not he was still alive. Peter came running, I thought to help me, but he knocked me aside on his way to Sophie. Everything went blurry and my vision was getting smaller. Right before I passed out, I saw Peter lift Sophie up and throw her against the wall.

Writing this gives me emotional trauma.

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