Chapter 1

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The moon's light illuminated Halloween Town. The sounds of the crows echoed throughout the town, awakening the Pumpkin princess's, Scarlet. Scarlet opened her eyes, her right eye being nothing but black like Jack's, and her right eye being black and white milk like Sally's. Scarlet held her small smiled ink, well, ever still smile. Scarlet never stopped smiling, not after what had happened to her at a young age, now 15 years old, that smile never left and she never spoke. She hardly ever blinks, which in all creeps a lot of monsters out. But how could it not, being the daughter of the Pumpkin king, she's bound to also be as scary as him. Scarlet began to stretch and exit out of bed, she wore a short night gown outfit that showed her skeleton pale skin with a few stitches here and there. Scarlet rubbed her eyes and went to her closet. She pulled out an outfit that looked much like Jack's, but she had shorts instead of pants, and the bow was suppose to be on her head. Scarlet wore the outfit and went to her mirror. She brushed her long white hair and looked at herself before she boot on her black boots. "Scarlet, breakfast is ready!" Sally called. Scarlet looked over to the door before glancing to herself. Scarlet nodded and walked to the door. Scarlet opened it and could smell the pumpkin pie. Scarlet walked to the table where Jack also sat, and sat down. Jack looked from the Hallows News, "Scarlet, good morning, did you sleep well?" Scarlet only nodded slowly with a smile. Sally gave Jack a worried look, she's always been worried of Scarlet's conditions, Jack had tried to make the best of it. Sally set the plate of pumpkin pie in front of Scarlet. Scarlet stared at the pumpkin pie. Sally watched Scarlet with a frown before looking to Jack, "Jack, can't we just ask Finklestein to check on her?" "I'm sure she's fine Sally, just, a little overwhelmed, see look at her, already done with your pumpkin pie like she has always done before." Jack pointed out. Sally looked to see the plate empty, Scarlet stood and gave her parents a slight bow before leaving to the door outside. Scarlet paused before rushing back and giving her parents a hug before leaving. Sally blinked before she sighed, "Maybe she is just overwhelmed, but Jack, something happened out there in the graveyard to make her, like this." "I know, but come on, she's got your smile, at least that's something we can live with, and even though she never speaks, at least we know what she means by nods and gestures." Jack said. Sally frowned and put her head on her hands, "I just, miss her cheerfulness voice, the emotions she used to show, it's almost like I'm waiting for her first words all over again." Jack gave a small smile and put a hand on Sally's shoulder, "She's bound to speak again, I'll even have some father and daughter time to at least comfort her enough for her to speak, it's almost her birthday, I'll make it so special she'll just burst with laughter, you'll see." Sally looked over to Jack with a small smile, "You always have crazy ideas don't you?" "Not all my ideas were crazy." "You tried to celebrate Christmas, and you had the idea to be Santa Claus himself Jack, I think you do have crazy ideas, and having a surprise party makes me wonder what more crazy ideas you have in mind." "You love me for my craziness." "That and that be we both had been searching for one desire." Sally finished. Jack blinked a few times before he smiled, "Alright you win this time." "Haven't I always?" "Hey not always." Jack said with a playful frown. Sally rolled her eyes and stood up, placing a kiss on Jack's cheek, "Okay maybe sometimes. But, make sure Scarlet is really happy on her birthday, I can't do much, since I'll just make the cake and everything while my new stitches are being made. And Jack, please, make her really smile for me, okay?" "Don't worry, Scarlet won't know what'll hit her." Jack said with a confident smile. Sally shook her head with a smile, "That's exactly what I'm afraid of."

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