Chapter 2

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Scarlet walked down the stairs outside to the cage, the Zombie Band played music that Scarlet would usually stay and listen to. But today was not the day, Scarlet wanted to explore the town for a bit. Scarlet gave the Zombie Band a wave before continuing to walk. Scarlet looked around the town, feeling as though she was missing something, or she may have forgotten something. The Mayor was walking to the home of the Skellington's before he noticed Scarlet, "Scarlet hello, are you excited for Halloween, or should I say, your birthday?" Scarlet blinked a couple of times, yes, she had almost forgotten her birthday. Scarlet only nodded. The Mayor smiled, "So, any plans for your big day?" Scarlet shook her head with a shrug. "Hm, don't know huh? Well that's okay, I'm sure it will be fantastic, I'm heading over to discuss the day with your father, I'll see you later." The Mayor said. Scarlet waved to the Mayor as he walked off. Scarlet walked to the fountain and looked into it. Her reflection shown the exact same look as her, Scarlet's eyelids lowered, showing that she would be frowning. Why did she turn out like this? Could she ever speak to her parents about what she saw? No, they might think she's telling a lie and think she made the whole thing up. A fake. Scarlet let a tear run down before she quickly wiped it away. Scarlet decided to go the the graveyard, no matter what had happened, she still went. Scarlet walked to the graveyard to the hill that she and her parents would often go. Scarlet sat down and looked up to moon that never lowered. "Scarlet!" Called a voice. Scarlet looked to see Jack. Jack smiled and walked over, sitting next to her, "Hey kiddo, how's it going?" Scarlet shrugged and looked back up to the sky. Jack did the same. He tried to think of anything that would convince Scarlet that she can talk about anything. Jack suddenly smiled, he never told her the story of how he tried to celebrate Christmas in his own way. Jack looked down to Scarlet, "Hey, want to hear a story?" Scarlet quickly looked to Jack, she liked his stories. Jack smiled, "Well this story, is about many things, the story of how I tried to celebrate the holiday Christmas." Scarlet raised an eyebrow, as Jack continued, "You see, after the night of Halloween, I seemed to have not been satisfied, and I felt as though I was missing something, so, I explored away from Halloween Town, during the time I had not noticed that your mother had feelings for me, I discovered many doors outside the town, each door representing a holiday. Christmas, was the one that caught my eyes, well if I had any. But I entered the door and saw many things that I've never seen before, that's when I had an idea, I wanted to celebrate Christmas, but my version. I was inspired, went back to tell everyone in town about, and we decided to do it. Each day we made toys that could scare little children, even adults. Your mother at the time thought it was a bad idea and it would be dangerous for me to do so. But I set that aside. We even kidnapped Santa just so I can tell him about my plans, plus I took his hat to finish my Santa costume that your mother made for me. On the night of Christmas, we were off, even though there was a big fog, Zero's nose would light up and we set off to the world. I should've listened to your mother, the world went crazy, I was almost destroyed. After I realized what I have done, I went back to Halloween Town to get Santa back from my enemy, Oogie Boogie, a sack doll like guy who would cause a lot of trouble. He even tried to destroy your mother and Santa. Oogie Boogie tried to get rid of me after I confronted him, but I was able to get rid of him. After that Santa returned to his duties and rescued Christmas. Santa forgave me, and so did your mother. Your mother and I were on this exact hill that you and I sit on. It was the night that I realized that we both were missing something, and the same hill that I proposed to her." Scarlet's eyes were wide when Jack finished the story. That story was even crazier than what she would have told them. But this Oogie Boogie guy seemed to have caught her interests. Scarlet nudged Jack and made a slight gesture in which he knew, "You want to know what Oogie Boogie looks like?" Jack put a finger down to the dirt and drew a picture of his head. Scarlet looked closely at it before she quickly stood up. Jack noticed her alarming action and also stood up, "Scarlet are you okay?" Scarlet looked up to Jack with the same look as she always had, but this time tears were pouring as she still smiled. Jack's eye sockets widen, "Is there something about Oogie Boogie?" Scarlet quickly shook her head she pointed to Jack, and then to Oogie Boogie. Jack slowly smiled, "Don't worry Scarlet, he's not coming back, I guarantee it." Scarlet wiped the tears away with a nod. But that's what Scarlet wanted Jack to believe, that she was only showing concern for him and Sally of this Oogie Boogie guy. And that's how she's going to keep it.

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