Chapter 9

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The boy looked at Scarlet with an eyebrow raised, "Uh hello?" Scarlet shook from her thoughts and looked at the boy. Scarlet held out a hand and helped the boy up. The boy examined Scarlet, "You gave me a scare there, nice costume by the way." Scarlet nodded and pointed to her lips. The boy gave a look before his eyes widened, "Oh, you're a mute I get it." Scarlet nodded again. The boy scratched the back of his neck, "So, the names Jeremy, maybe you could uh, give me hints on what your name is?" Scarlet looked around before seeing a scarlet rose. Scarlet pointed to the rose. Jeremy looked at the rose and put a finger to his chin, "Uh Rose?" Scarlet shook her head. "What about Scarlet?" Jeremy asked. Scarlet nodded furiously. Jeremy nodded, "Pretty name for a pretty ghoul like you huh?" Scarlet blushed and looked away, 'Oh my ghostly ghoul, what am I suppose to do? He's so cute and nice with words?' Scarlet looked back Jeremy. Jeremy only smiled, "So uh, you new here? Haven't seen you around before." Scarlet nodded and pointed to herself and made a gesture to show him that it's her birthday. "Oh it's your birthday huh? Well let me guess, you turned 16 right?" Jeremy asked. Scarlet nodded. Jeremy thought of something before his smile became bigger, "Well, I might not know what you want, but I can show you something that's probably the best thing you'll see in this place." Scarlet tipped her head to the side. Jeremy took his hand out, "Come on, it'll be fun." Scarlet looked at his hand and softly placed hers. Jeremy held her hand and walked Scarlet to the location he was talking about. Scarlet blushed, feeling his warm hand with hers. Jeremy and Scarlet walked out of the neighborhood, and into a forest. Scarlet's eyes wondered around the new area. "Hey, we're here." Jeremy said. Scarlet looked forward and her eyes widened. The sky was clear as ever, the stars twinkled. But the moon caught her eyes more. The moon was orange and if she looked closely, it almost  had the features of a jack-o-lantern. Jeremy smiled at Scarlet, "Neat huh?" Scarlet smiled big and nodded, not looking at Jeremy. Jeremy too looked up at the sky, "Hey Scar?" Scarlet looked at Jeremy. "You ever think that there's a place, where it's Halloween everyday?" He asked. Scarlet flinched, but she nodded in response. Jeremy looked at Scarlet with an eyebrow raised, "Really? You think so?" Scarlet nodded, she pointed to herself. "You've been somewhere like that before?" Jeremy asked. Scarlet nodded, but Jeremy only laughed, "Scarlet you don't need to pretend to believe me to make me   feel better." Jeremy turned to walk away but Scarlet quickly grabbed Jeremy's hand and pulled him back. Jeremy looked at Scarlet. Scarlet gave a gesture to watch her. Scarlet didn't know if she should really tell the truth or not, but Jeremy has gotten her interest. Scarlet slowly brought her hands to her head. Jeremy watched closely. Scarlet closed her eyes...and completely removed her head. She heard Jeremy gasp and quickly opened her eyes. Jeremy had fallen back and stared at Scarlet with wide eyes. Scarlet set her head back on her neck, putting her hands behind her back. Scarlet's eyes trailed away, waiting for Jeremy to say something. "T-that..." Jeremy began. 'Oh no here it comes.' Scarlet thought. "Was awesome!!" Jeremy said standing up, surprising Scarlet. "You really are from a place that has Halloween everyday." Jeremy said. Scarlet blushed and nodded while scratching the back of her neck. Jeremy's excited expression made Scarlet smile bigger. "You have to tell me about that place!" Jeremy said with a big smile. Scarlet slowly looked away, 'Well, he doesn't know about the Oogie Boogie incident, I guess I could tell him about my home.' Scarlet opened her mouth slowly, but just as she was about to speak, the sound of church bells rung. Scarlet quickly looked around. "Don't worry, that just means its close to midnight." Jeremy said. Scarlet's eyes widen, and without a warning, rushed away. "Wait! Scarlet! Where are you going?!" Jeremy asked running after her. Scarlet ran all the way back to the graveyard, Jeremy was close behind. When Scarlet stopped, she realized that the sleigh still sat there with the skeleton reindeers. Scarlet couldn't take them, it would be too obvious that she left without her father. Scarlet's eyes trailed to a trapdoor, 'Father always said trapdoors of a graveyard also leads home.' Scarlet opened the trapdoor, but before stepping in Jeremy grabbed her wrist, "Scarlet wait." Jeremy said. Scarlet looked at him. Jeremy smiled, "I'm coming with." Scarlet only stared at Jeremy for a moment, but nodded. Jeremy smiled, "Sweet!"

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