Final Chapter

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Jack and Sally ran straight to the graveyard. Jack looked around, he walked forward with his eyes scanning. Sally worriedly looked around, "Scarlet?" She called.

With Scarlet, everything seemed silent, until she heard it, "Scarlet?" Scarlet shot up, 'No! Not mother too!' She thought. Scarlet's tears began to fall. Jeremy only muffled in anger and struggled to get out. Oogie Boogie's smirk became wider at the sight of Jack and Sally entering the eerie part of the graveyard, where Scarlet was last time, when she was just a little. Scarlet struggled as hard as she can. "Scarlet, where are you?" Jack called out. Oogie Boogie set his vines, ready to destroy the only family Scarlet had. Scarlet's lips quivered, 'I have to warn them, I have to, I can't hold this back anymore!' Scarlet began to whimper, catching Jeremy, Lock, Shock, and Barrel's attention, but not Oogie Boogie's. Oogie Boogie raised a hand, "Say goodbye to the Pumpkin King." He launched the vines at Jack and Sally. The stitches suddenly burst. "FATHER!!" A voice screamed. Jack quickly looked and grabbed Sally, jumping out of the way. Scarlet bit down on the vine, making it loosen it up for her to fall down. Jeremy tried doing the same, and it worked. Oogie Boogie growled in frustration. Lock, Shock, and Barrel had disappeared, like they usually did whenever something bad happened. Scarlet and Jeremy ran over to Jack and Sally. Scarlet jumped and hugged Jack, "Father!" Jack and Sally's eyes widened. Sally covered her mouth in shock. Jack slowly smiled and hugged Scarlet tightly. Jeremy awkwardly stood there with a small smile. "Aw now isn't that sweet." Oogie Boogie cackled. The four quickly looked at Oogie Boogie. Jack stepped forward with a dark glare, "Oogie Boogie I have defeated you once I can do it again!" Oogie Boogie threw his head back and boomed with laughter before looking back at Jack, "Look around Jack, I'm not the Oogie Boogie you knew before you, I have no body for you to destroy anymore. What will you do now?!" Jack this time opened his mouth, but he closed it, what can he do? Scarlet looked at Jack before she slowly glared at Oogie Boogie and stepped forward. Oogie Boogie smirked, "Oh, and what will you do? You're still the same little ghoul with the silent words." Scarlet only kept her glare, "No, I'm not, I now speak for me, no one else will." Scarlet's normal eye slowly turned the same pitch black as the other. Oogie Boogie's smirk slowly disappeared. Scarlet brought her hands to the front. An orange light began to glow rightly, cackling like fire. "I am not afraid of you any more..." Scarlet said. Oogie Boogie took a step back, "W-what is this?!" The light turned into a burning Jack-o-lantern. Scarlet aimed it at Oogie Boogie, "I am the future Pumpkin Queen! I am the one to roll the dice now!" Scarlet threw the pumpkin at Oogie Boogie. The pumpkin hit him, setting the vines on fire. Oogie Boogie shouted and screamed as his body began to turn into ash, "I will come back Skellington! I always will!" The fire seized, leaving the smoke that soon blended with the dark fog. Scarlet watched before her eye return to normal. Scarlet looked at Jack and Sally smiled. Sally held a hand up to her mouth and she walked to Scarlet, "Scarlet, you spoke." Scarlet smiled and hugged Sally. "Almost like you spoke your first words all over again." Sally said holding Scarlet tightly. Scarlet only hugged back even tighter. Suddenly the sound of Jack clearing his throat caught their attention. Scarlet pulled away and looked to see Jack giving at look at Jeremy, who shyly stood there. Scarlet smiled and ran over to Jeremy, "Mother, Father, this is Jeremy, he's my first human friend, and he showed me so much in the human world." Scarlet said getting excited at the end. Sally and Jack were silent at first, until Sally glanced at Jack with a big smile, "Jack?" Jack had his eyes narrowed but he smiled big, "This is perfect, my daughter's first human friend!" "A boy too!" Sally said just as much excitement. Scarlet nodded before she realized something, "Oh! Jeremy, shouldn't you go back home?" Jeremy jumped, "You're right." Jack walked over, "Well I can drop him off, have a little talk with him." "Father..." Scarlet said crossing her arms as Jack and Jeremy walked away. "Don't worry I won't break him!" Jack called. Scarlet only shook her head with a giggle. Sally stood beside her with a smile, "I think you two would make a great couple." Scarlet blushed, "Mother!" Sally only laughed and hugged Scarlet, "I'm so proud of you, you're growing up so fast." "Yeah, I could be like father too." Scarlet said. "That's what I'm afraid of." Sally said. Both laughed at the idea.

And that was the story of the future Pumpkin Queen. We hope you enjoyed your time exploring another adventure in Halloween Town tonight. I, your Ghost Host, hope to see you all again, on the other side.

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