Chapter 7

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Scarlet looked at the sleigh with excitement as she and Jack climbed on it. Jack smiled, "Zero, get up there." Scarlet watched as Zero's nose glowed red like before and he floated to the front of the skeleton deers. Scarlet's eyes widened and her smile grew. "Alright everyone, let's go and get our scares on." Jack said. Everyone cheered with excitement. "Good luck you two, and have a happy birthday Scarlet." The Mayor said. Scarlet waved as Jack made the sleigh lift up. Scarlet scanned around as all the citizens of Halloween Town looked tinier the higher they went. Scarlet looked at Jack, Jack looked at her with a big smile, "Ready?" Scarlet nodded furiously. "Then hold on!" Jack said. Scarlet held onto whatever she could. Just like that, they flew with huge speed. Jack laughed as Scarlet held on for her dear skeleton life. Scarlet watched as clouds passed by, she could see the stars and the moon shining bright. "Scarlet, look down." Jack said. Scarlet looked down and she silently gasped. Scarlet could see the city lights, the buildings, the parks, the houses, everything she was told and could imagine. 'It's so beautiful.' Scarlet thought. Suddenly her eyes caught something. She tapped Jack's shoulder and pointed to the direction. Jack looked over and smiled, "Well Scarlet, you always wanted to go to a festival, and lucky for you, there is one, dedicated to this holiday." Scarlet's eyes widened and she watched as Jack lowered the sleigh to a location where they wouldn't be noticed, Jack learned that the hard way. The sleigh landed near a graveyard. Scarlet jumped out and looked around her new surroundings. Jack looked at Zero, "Zero, you keep watch of the sleigh alright?" Zero barked in response and nodded. Jack looked at Scarlet, "Come on, let's go to the festival!" Scarlet raised an eyebrow and stopped Jack, motioning herself and Jack. Jack had a blank look before he understood what she meant. Jack gave a chuckle, "Scarlet, it's Halloween, no one will care what we are, they'll think we're like them dressed in costumes. That's what's best about Halloween, you get to be who you want to be." Scarlet nodded, learning something new so far. Following Jack to where they saw the festival, Scarlet looked around to get used to her surroundings. When Jack stopped, Scarlet looked and she couldn't believe her own eyes. People were bustling around, eating candy and other sweet treats, dressed up as clowns, ghouls, superheroes, and other things. Everyone seemed happy and having a good time, playing games and hanging with their friends and families. Scarlet watched as children rushed passed her, dressed in costumes. "So Scarlet, what do you think?" Jack asked. Scarlet looked at Jack, and with her smile growing bigger, she hugged Jack tightly. Jack chuckled and patted her back, "I know, I was like that too when I was your age." Scarlet pulled away, looking around. "Let's go play some games shall we?" Jack asked. Scarlet nodded and began to drag Jack to whatever interests her. Scarlet would drag Jack to different games or even just sit and watch how the people would act. Scarlet thought that the people of earth acted just like the citizens of Halloween Town. Scarlet would get compliments on her 'costume', which she didn't mind at all. Jack enjoyed the fact that Scarlet was enjoying her birthday so far, maybe she'll even speak. Jack looked up at the moon, as if he was searching for a time. When he realized what time it was, he smiled and looked at Scarlet, "Hey Scarlet." Scarlet looked at Jack. "It's time to get your scare on." Jack said. Scarlet became excited, 'I get to scare people!'

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