Chapter 4

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After the talk with Lock, Shock, and Barrel, Scarlet decided to go independent for now. Scarlet walked to a certain place where she likes to hang out. It's outside of town, and usually quiet. The dark trees had jack o lanterns glowing hanging down. Graves and stones were around. Ahead was an abandoned mansion. Scarlet gave a relaxing sigh as she began to hum while walking over to the building. Scarlet knew the doors have always been locked, because she's the one who locks it. Even though no monsters has ever been to this place, she still locked it. Scarlet unlocked the doors and walked inside. She scanned the inside before walking around quietly. It was dark, so Scarlet grabbed a pumpkin and turned it into a jack o lantern. But this jack o lantern was different, it could actually carry a conversation with you. He is a good friend to Scarlet, it would be cliche to name him Jack, so she named Jake. "Why hello Scarlet? What can I do for you?" Jake asked. Scarlet made a swirling gesture around the darkness. "Right, gotcha." Jake said. Jake began to glow brightly, illuminating the room. Scarlet nodded as if saying thank you before she carried Jake around. "So, how's everything coming along with your birthday?" Jake asked. Scarlet gave a shrug. "I see, did your old man have any plans?" Jake asked. Scarlet nodded furiously with a huge smile. "Well someone is excited." Jake said with a chuckle. Scarlet gave a quiet giggle. The rest of the time it was silent. Scarlet continued to look around the mansion. Scarlet was walking down a hallway before Jake gave a deep sigh, "You haven't told them yet haven't you?" Scarlet hugged Jake close to her and her eyelids lowered in sadness. "You know you can't keep this up, you worry everyone, especially your mother, I mean, yeah things happened in the past, but if you don't tell your parents, it's going to keep bothering you. I've heard that talking to your family is the best way to get things off your shoulder." Jake said. Scarlet blinked a few times before she nodded. Jake smiled, "So you will tell your parents?" Scarlet slowly nodded. "Wahoo! I got to be there when you do!" Jake said almost hopping up. Scarlet's shoulders shook as if she was laughing. Scarlet continued to walk around the mansion before thinking of returning back home. Scarlet walked out of the mansion and looked down at Jake. Jake looked up to Scarlet, "Well, since we're done here, I'll talk to you later alright?" Scarlet nodded before Jake slowly stopped glowing. Scarlet set the pumpkin down with the others and walked home. Upon returning to the house in Halloween Town, Scarlet saw Lock, Shock, and Barrel leaving the house, snickering. Scarlet raised an eyebrow before entering the house. "Scarlet? Is that you?" She heard Sally call. Scarlet walked over to the living room. Sally looked over to Scarlet with a smile, "Hey sweetie, someone dropped this off for you. A birthday gift." Knowing it was from the three, Scarlet took it and entered her room, not before looking Sally and nodding as if saying thank you. Scarlet entered the room and sat down on her bed. She looked at the box, questioning herself whether or not she should open it. Finally letting curiosity get the better of her, Scarlet opened the box. It was a skeleton mask, not that she wasn't herself, but something about it was, weird. There was also a note, so Scarlet picked it up, opened it, and read the note.

For the future Pumpkin Queen,
We know what you saw in the past, come to the graveyard after the clock strikes 12 on the night of Halloween. We'll be waiting.

Scarlet was sure something was up, but something told her, that they knew how to get rid of whatever she saw. It was stupid to think, knowing what they did in the past, and how much trouble they always caused. But she couldn't get the feeling off her shoulder. She wants to get rid of whatever she saw. And she'd do anything to finally speak to others again. It was a risk that she was willing to take.

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