Chapter 5

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Halloween is just around the corner, Halloween Town was even busier the next day, being Hallows Eve and everything. Sally was stitching Scarlet a new outfit, to wear on her birthday. It was a dress with the same black and white pattern, the bow was on the middle strap of the dress. Sally finished sewing the dress, she smiled and put it in a box. Scarlet was sleeping still, so Sally quietly entered her room and set the box on Scarlet's night stand. Sally took a glance at Scarlet before kissing her forehead and walking out of the room. Jack came inside the house stretching, "It's a busy day today, tomorrow's Scarlet's birthday, I know just how to surprise her." "Mind telling me before you do something crazy?" Sally asked with a smile. Jack smiled back, "Well, there's a festival going on down on earth in one of the towns, I plan on taking her there." "That does sound great, maybe she'll have her eyes set on someone. She is turning 16." Sally said. "Scarlet, eyes set on a mortal? We'll see how that goes." Jack said. Sally chuckled, "It'll happen, I know it." Meanwhile Scarlet awoke and rubbed her eyes. Scarlet looked over and saw the box. Scarlet picked it up and opened it. Scarlet's eyes widened as she examined the dress, 'It's very pretty, I'm sure mother made this.' Scarlet put it back in the box and set it back on the night stand. Scarlet stretched and changed into her clothing. Scarlet walked out of her room, not really hungry for breakfast. Jack looked at her before a thought came to mind, "So Scarlet, you ready for tomorrow night?" Scarlet nodded before looking at Sally and giving her a hug tightly. Sally smiled and hugged back, "I see you liked your present." Scarlet nodded again and made a gesture that she was going to go for a walk around the town. "Alright, we'll see you later, and could you check to see how most are doing?" Jack asked. Scarlet nodded and walked out of the house. Walking around the town, everyone greeted her. Scarlet saw how everyone was getting ready for tomorrow. Her special day, but she had to be prepared for what was coming at midnight. Lock, Shock, and Barrel are known for making trouble, even back then when they were kids as well. Scarlet also learned that those three worked for Oogie Boogie. Which is another reason Scarlet was curious about what they were planning at midnight. Scarlet shook her head, hoping that it would just be another surprise, but the thought of Oogie Boogie, and seeing him again, made her shiver. The way he was described to her, wasn't close to what she had saw when she was younger. Oogie Boogie to her seemed so, deformed, like an unfinished form. A tap on the leg snapped Scarlet from her thoughts and look down to see a black cat. Scarlet picked up the cat and pet it soothingly. The cat purred and nuzzled Scarlet's neck. Already liking the thought of keeping it, Scarlet held it close and rushed over back to the house. Scarlet opened the door, making her parents jump in surprise. "Hey, back from the walk I see, how was everyone doing?" Jack asked. Scarlet nodded and showed Jack and Sally the cat she held. Sally looked at the black cat closely before she smiled, "Why Scarlet, you made a new friend." Scarlet nodded as the cat gave a meow. Zero perked up and floated over, giving a bark. The cat hissed and clung onto Scarlet. Scarlet pet the black cat, calming it down. "I think that cat's a she, why don't you name her Scarlet?" Sally asked. Scarlet began to think of a name for the cat. Seeing pumpkin, she pointed at it. "Pumpkin?" Jack asked. Scarlet nodded, scratching Pumpkin's head as it purred. "What an adorable name." Sally said. Scarlet looked at the cat, maybe tomorrow won't be so bad after all. At least, that's what she thought.

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