Another Day

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Anti's POV

I awoke from my dream with a jolt hearing my phones alarm go off. I growled having been awoken from another pleasant dream yet again pulling the covers off and getting dressed tossing the unfading dream to the back of my mind.

(yup it was just a dream, thats all it was.)

I stepped out of my room heading upstairs for some food entering the room silently. Jack and Mark were already there and the smell about the air indicated they'd made cappuccinos and at the moment the two were nuzzling noses. 

"mornin' ya two." I walked past the counter where Jack and Mark sat beginning to make my morning drink. 

"Good Morning Anti." the two love birds stopped nuzzling their noses facing the counter. 

Jack high fived the air "Top of the mornin' ta ya Anti." Mark laughed heartily almost spitting out his cappuccino. 

"Jack we aren't recording one'o your videos." I brewed my coffee letting it sit in the jar. 

Jack shrugged. "Let me guess. Caramel Frappe?"

I poured and scooped all the ingredients into the blender. "Yes but come on I have the same drink every single day." 

Putting on the lid I blended the drink in till it was smooth pouring half of it into my glass and the other half into the fridge adding some whipped cream and caramel on top with a green straw to finish it off. I take a sip of the delicious drink just when Dark walks in. 

"Really, another caramel frappe Anti? Why do you have those every morning?" 

"Morning to you to Dark." Mark pulls out a stool for him Dark grumbling but sitting down nonetheless. 

"I do what I want cause I am an adult. Also don't criticize what ya haven't tried Dark, these are really good." I drank more of the delicious frappe.

"Make me one then." 

I stopped mid sip. "I thought ya hated caramel." 

Dark crossed his arms staring me in the eye. "Make me a frappe and we'll see how good your drink really is."

Glaring at him briefly I swivel towards the fridge getting out the other glass topping it how i topped mine but with a blue straw instead. About to set it on the counter I stopped an idea popping into my head.

"Wanna bet?" I looked long and hard at Dark taking another sip of my frappe.

"Why not. I bet you I will like your drink." Dark shrugged arms still crossed. 

"And I bet ya won't." 

"Wait hold on." Jack put his hands in the air. "What are you guys betting on?" 

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