Those Moments...

49 11 20

when your watching a movie with friends, family, or both and then your in one of these scenerios.

Scenario A: Kissing Scene
(A) Your that person who's watching a movie and there's the "happy ending" and even if it's an animated movie, or a normal one, you turn away awkwardly and start up a random conversation with the person nearest to you. (Me)
(B) Your that person that has to listen to the random crep person A has to say while your acting mode adult-like.
(C) Your that person that uses their device to avoid watching the scene
(D) Your that person who's actually watching the movie

Scenario B: Lemonade
(A) Your that person who hides under the blanket and asks "is it over O_O" (Me 100%)
(B) Your that person who tells person A when it's over and doesn't cringe once
(C) Your that person that will use their device and 'accidentally' peak
(D) Your that person who looks okay but is dying on the inside

Scenario C: Death Scene
(A) Your that person that will start to cry because the death of that character ruined an OTP, the character that died was your favorite, or your celebrating because you hated that character
(B) Your that person who doesn't care if they died, maybe even laughed at the death
(C) Your that person that stops using their device because some action actually happened
(D) Your that person who continues to watch the movie stunned by the sudden death (Me)

Comment below what person are you for each scenario =3

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