Allergic Reaction or Chicken Pox?

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So I got a spider bite just above my foot on my right leg (it was and still is so damn itchy).
Then I got another one on my right thigh. Then I got little red circle marks on the
OPPOSITE side of the second spider bite. Not to mention I have little two red
circles on my arm below my shoulders (one on each arm). I also just got one
above my foot on my left leg... My mom and I don't know if it's an allergic
reaction (I'm not allergic to spiders or their bites though) or its chicken pox.
We're going to the doctor tomorrow just to be sure.
That's all I wanted to say really and my spider bites (or atleast I think
they're spider bites XD) are still itchy so I'm putting a burnt lemon on them.
It actually works because the pain (it stings Ō-Ō) subsides the itching XD.

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