An Overdue Tag...

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Tagged by LysaMonica14 X3

"Why do you ship Luktra?"
Mostly me rambling about 'moments' soo if you want you can just leave now XD

  The main reason I ship it cuz you can tell they both care about each other and it's not 'one-sided' as some people would say. In episode 1 if you pick certain choices well Lukas' lines are very interesting to say the least.If You Pick The "Get payback" option when you're about to enter Ivor's 'secret hideout thing' he'll say "He deserves it for crossing Petra"|If you let him leave the treehouse/dirt but in the morning he'll say something like "I let Petra down once I won't do it again"| Not to mention he insisted in staying at the temple just in case Petra did come back. Also back when Jesse and Petra are in the bridge if you say nothing when Petra suggests you go talk to Lukas then she seems a little disappointed. Also how did no one else from the gang (besides Jesse cuz he was told) not notice Petra's withersickness besides Lukas?! And then there's the fact he was acting all moody in the End cuz he feels guilty. Now in Ep 6 (5 and 7 I'm not so sure) it's a bit more obvious they care about each other. How many times did Petra mention she was worried about Lukas? And I understand Lukas is her friend but seriously I think Jesse got it the first 2 times XD. Also another main reason I ship Luktra is because I feel uncomfortable with the fact of shipping Jesse with anyone because it feels as if I'm shipping myself with Lukas or Petra.

Idk who to tag soo whoever ships Luktra, Jetra, or Lukesse can do this tag if they want to XP
also credit to LysaMonica14 for coming up with this tag X3

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