Pheonix Was A Weird Child

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So I remember when this new movie had come out called
"Caroline" and I watched it with my parents (when I was the only
child) and that movie was so creepy like WTH that was meant for flippin'
kids like 5 years old?! Also my Nina had it recorded on her TV and every time
I went to her house I'd watch it, but I was always scared, but I'd continue to watch
it, yeah weird huh? Also just a few months ago I had a dream and I was like
"How come it has a familiar style to something I've seen before?"
Then looking back at that dream I'm like "WAIT that's from Caroline!"
Also I'm going to type my dream and I'll admit it's kinda disturbing
so read with caution... *shudder* it's gonna feel weird typing this
So there's this fancy rich nerdy guy and a normal popular but kind girl.
Blah blah blah school blah blah blah they fall in love yada yada they
come together and have 2 kids. One day the girl becomes abusive towards
her husband and grows long sharp nails claws at the guys side, ripping
His flesh, she bites into it, the guy dies obviously. Then she realizes what
she's done and hides the guy but the children then find out there's a flippin' dead
guy under the bed and it don't take common sense to find out who that was
(Btw these kids were a 12 year old bro and 10 year old sis if I remember correctly)
Then the mother kills the children the end...

Guys I think I officially scared my self... Can I have a hug 😲
Plz?? 🙇

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