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Yeah I'm not sure wether it's Birthday or Anniversary so I put them together XD
Anyways here's a small speech cuz WYNAUT XD

Thankyou MCSM for keeping us in suspense for
about 3 years,
Thankyou for continuosly toying with our
Thankyou for making us spend $40 on all
your Eps (WORTH IT!! XDD)
Thankyou for starting new ships and ship wars
And most importantly:
Thankyou for flippin' existing and TellTale for creating you!!!
Without MCSM I wouldn't have met all you wonderful peeps
and I wouldn't have been on Wattpad! I did in fact join Wattpad
to write "A Strange Birthday" and I thought I was the only Luktra
Shipper. And my original plan was write fanfic never use Wattpad
ever again, but I saw that people were starting to actually like my story
And to follow me. That's when I decided to use Wattpad and my am I
Greatful that I did.

Randomness #3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora