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So I thought I'd make up a song of my own and play
it on my guitar WHILE singing the lyrics that I'll make up
for it. I was going to do it for this year's school talent show
but the auditions are next Thursday and I won't have enough
time to prepare especially since I'm only just starting this little
'project'. I might do it for next year's talent show though!
Also if I do decided to record myself singing/playing it
(Just audio) I might publish it on YouTube and link it
here on Wattpad. So what do you guys think? Good idea?
Or should I scrap it before I even begin?

(PS If I know you IRL DON'T mention this to me at
school, I don't want to be flooded with questions, also
since I know you, IRL friends, I know you'll say do it so
this is more directed to my Wattpad Friends or anyone
that I don't know IRL)

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