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               Ok so I just survived my first week of school XD. There's this one teacher sounds like Magnus and he said his wife is an engineer X3 (Magnugaard Confirmed). Also me and Val nickname our math teacher 'Isa Teacher' XD. And on my way to one of my classes I got squished between a couple... (RIP Pheonix). And apperantly there will be a Fall Dance, a Winter Formal Dance, and a Valentines Dance and you know what? I can't go cuz I don't have a boyfriend XD!! Also all the boys in my classes are either too short or too stupid XP. This one 8th grader I don't know just randomly came up to me and said hi and I just said hi back thinking "Wth... Idek know u y U talkin' to meh..." XD. Yep I just needed to say all this and since all these events were supposed to have a separate chapter all the ideas are scattered everywhere XD. I also use XD too much XD.

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