32- Concept Art

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I started working out how I wanted the illustrations for my book to look and started sketching people out. Obviously, the artistic renditions don't resemble the people they're based on very well, but they do highlight the features that stand out to me.

I don't know exactly what to draw, but I made an executive decision to draw everyone during the school year in their Hogwarts robes, but there is still so much to be determined-

Will the drawings be lined or just sketches?

Colored or plain?

Manga style? Just kidding...

anyways, I drew Olivia, Taniyah, and I (in that order from left to right) for starters, and I will be definitely revealing that soon


Wait, that wasn't the point of this chapter, so I don't know why I made it the title, but I was supposed to be writing something funny- but summer is really depressing actually. The unproductivity stresses me out and spending time with my family pumps teen angst into my body like adrenaline after making it past 10 pipes in Flappy Bird. 

So what should I write about? I was thinking about describing the struggles of trying to get Jennifer Lopez's 45-year-old body on a chocolate diet but I decided that was too predictable, not "body positive" enough for all the feminists on Wattpad, so I'm trying to come up with a new angle.

Have I lost my touch? Was I ever funny in the first place? Will I ever make anyone laugh again? 

See, the reason I have so much material when I'm in school is because all my classmates are horrible people and I despise them, so writing about them is like one of those comedy central roasts that I binge watch every Thursday night. 

Did I say that? I meant that my classmates are wonderful people and their own jokes are the inspiration for everything I write here. 

It probably doesn't matter, because once I enter high school, this book will just swirl back into the depths of the toilet that is Wattpad and nobody will remember me. 

Woops. That sounded funny in my head, but now that I read it out loud it sounds depressing because you can't infer the tone that I want it to be read.

On a side note, I installed Grammarly on my computer so whenever I want to type something like dhsdbvsbfhh or ThiS for example, it unnnnnndddderrrllliinnneees it in red so that I have to click on it and correct it, which is why I can't properly express my mood by overlengthening the pronunciation of words. 

I'm starting to think about updating quicker with short chapters like most mediocre Wattpad writers, but I should stop trying to write about the problems of comedy  because they wouldn't be relatable. I'm not relatable. Because my readers are not funny.Orsophisticated.

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