Chapter 2

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During lunch, Karina and I started to come up with names for the creatures we see. Hey we really didn't want to call them you or him or get it. We decided to base them off of some cool translations we found for our story. Yes We were both writing a story. since the wolf we both saw was black we called him Shade. Also, the white wolf was named Shin-ah. The brown wolf was named Azuzuki and the Shadow was named Mishado. We had experience with some animes and mangas so we decided to try to talk with them and understand why we saw them. Once lunch was over we split and went to our classes ended and I headed home alone.

I came home a little late that night and my parents were in the kitchen, getting ready for dinner. They looked pretty upset And then I saw it. My report card. My parents were very strict when it comes to grades. All A's and nothing below it. I checked my report card and I knew what happened. I had 3 B's. Yikes! I never ever got B's. I tried to stay calm and was wondering what they would do to me. I tried my hardest to avoid the topic of the report card. As I asked for some dessert, my dad slammed the table almost getting my delicious ice-cream on my skirt. I jumped.

"Raina! I can't believe you! 3 B's!? You are grounded. No going out, no hanging out with friends, and no electronics! Do you understand?"

"But dad I know that I didn't even get a single B on my report card. You can't-"

"Raina! Just don't even try to make it worse for you. You already are in deep trouble. Just go NOW!"

"Y-yes d-dad." I ran to my room and shut the door.

"Why can't they just listen for once?!" Frustration clouded my mind.

I woke up the next morning to see Azuzuki in animal form right in front of me. I screamed and he covered my mouth.

"Shhh, it's just me..." he started to laugh.

"Hey!" I started to laugh too.

"What's​ up?" He asks

"What do you mean? I asks hoping he wasn't talking about last night.

"Heh..Last night..Well my what a tantrum!" He smirked..He did it he said it...

You see after I slammed my room door I took out my bean bag made it smooth and punched it over and over and over, while screaming into a pillow. Heh..After a bit, I asked him about our so called "power" and why we can see all of them when other people can't. Azuzuki turned away as if he noticed something. I looked over but saw nothing..Hmm..Was he contemplating whether he should tell me or not? He shook his head and smiled

" Nothing that you need to know now" He disappeared. I sat there for a moment and realized I have school. I got dressed and ran out the door.

(Manga)Touken No Hakari (Swords of Light)Where stories live. Discover now