Chapter 7

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Mishado had teleported us somewhere deep in the woods. I didn't know what was going on. Then Mishado bound us to a tree tightly and one of his shadow arms came to each of us. He said something and then the arms started to suck power from our necklaces. But along with that we were getting weak and pale. Each of us had magic based off of the colors of our contracted spirits. I had green and yellow-green. Karina had blue and yellow-green. Mishado was almost done with our power when Travis and Aaron came.

The arms that were taking our magic was storing it in a ring. Travis and Aaron saw this and knocked the ring off Mishado's hand. They fought Mishado for a while then he just disappeared. The hands stopped sucking and were gone. Karina and I are so pale and weak we could hardly talk.

Aaron and Travis take the ring smash it and all the power seeps back into the necklace, without us knowing an evil force had gone into one of our necklaces. Still we were shocked from what was happening and we needed to rest. We went to the party, fell asleep for an hour and unfroze time. Then we partied and went home. Little did I know that something bad would happen.

Word Count: 220

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