Chapter 11

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Karina has been spending a lot of time with the guys. She hasn't acknowledged my presence for the past 2 weeks! I asked Karina if she wanted to go to the mall with me but she said she was going to a party held by the C.P.L.C. Really? It is kind of getting on my nerves. These guys can do whatever they want, but if it is breaking a friendship, then I have a problem.

These guys had a death wish and I was going to make it come true. I had to do something about it. The only way to do something was to follow them. I was going to have to see what they were doing to Karina in order to save her. I was going to the party. I dressed up in my best dress and headed off to begin operation, save-Karina-from-the-evil-bad-magical-weird-guys.

Since the party was a masquerade party I was able to hide my face. Thank god. This would help me as no one would believe I was spying on Karina. I looked around the room but couldn't see any of them. I was pulled away from my thoughts by a guy.

"Would you like to dance? A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be just standing there." I looked around and saw drinks. I looked back at the guy and could smell the alcohol. He was probably drunk.

"No thank you. I have somewhere to be." I slight squeezed past him without waiting for a response.

As I was waiting for Karina to show up some girls came up to me. I groaned as I realized that they were the C.P.L.C.

"Hi! Are you enjoying the party?" I winced at the shrill voice asking me a question.

"Yeah I am! It is the bomb!" I replied in a slightly higher pitch. I can't be kicked out.

"Where is your partner?" Another girl questions me. I noticed that she was motioning towards a bunch of guys. My face heated up.

"U-um..I-in the bathroom? Yeah In the bathroom." I nervously let out. To cover that up I reached for a drink, only to be stopped by one of the senior girls.

"Don't act! We know it's you Raina! From the dress and your hair. No one wear such lame clothes." I blushed from embarrassment. My clothes are pretty nice.

"We don't feel the need to ruin our dresses,make-up,nails,or faces by dragging you out. We would also love to watch you be humiliated as the C.P.G.C. drag you outside." The freshman girl laughs as she looks at her nails.

"Here they are now! Let's wait till after midnight. Then it will be  dark and who knows what could happen- AAAH!" I was done. These guys were nothing but bullies. I grabbed a drink and spilled it all over the 8 girls. They looked at me and ran upstairs to change and clean up.

Once again I looked for Karina. It was obvious that Karina was near the food stand because she was near all the guys. Blegh! All of a sudden Karina looked afraid and confused. I inched closer to see that she wasn't bratty, she was herself.

"Huh? Wh-what is going on?" She looked around and tried to get out of the circle the boys had formed.

"Hm.. nothing..." Jason grabs Karina and Adam and Josh put their hand on her head. With that Karina dazes and becomes a little brat. These guys need to know not to mess with my friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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