Chapter 10

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Immediately I called Karina. I had to make sure she was okay. It all felt so real. I was scared. Who knows maybe it was. Maybe she was there. Maybe something happened.

"Hey Karina."

"Why the Hell would you call me at 3:00 in the morning?!"

"Oh..Sorry..just wanted to make sure you were fine?"

"Is something wrong Raina?"

"Yeah I'll tell you at school ok?"

"Yeah, okay."

For some weird reason I fell asleep really easily. In the morning I get to school with no encounter of the guys. Once I got to school I went to see Karina. Something was wrong. Her necklace has a tinge of red and grey color in it. Immediately I thought back to the dream. I shuddered.They had to be behind all this. Then on top of it, they guys have been smirking a lot. It was way creepy. They would avoid us like they use to. I was glad. I still wondered why?

A few days later Karina had started to act weird. She hung out with the C.P.G.C. and I was curious what was going on so I decided to ask Karina.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah~ why?!"

"You are hanging out with them." I pointed at them. I know it's rude, but this is the C.P.G.C. we're talking about. Psshh who cares.

"What?! You aren't my only friend!"

She stormed away, somewhat annoyed, back to the guys. This was getting way weird. What was even going on? Then, I noticed that they were smirking as if they were planning something...BIG!

Word Count: 249

(Manga)Touken No Hakari (Swords of Light)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora