Chapter 3

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Rewritten!!!!! More interesting and longer than before!!! Need to read!!! Thank You!!!!


Oh, I didn't mention. There is a group of guys from our school that are the cutest and most popular out of all guys. There are 8 guys total, 2 from each grade. The seniors: Adam and Josh are the group leaders. Then for 11th it's Chris and Justin, 10th grade it's Luke and Jason and for 9th grade it's Cody and Alex. Anyway, my parents both work full time so they can't drop me off. Luckily, I have the woods. I use that as my short cut all the time. This is why I have to leave early. This is the only way to get to school early to talk to Karina. Usually it's slightly foggy but today was odd. It was really foggy. And worst of all I was late. it was 7:45. I had to be at school by 7:50 or else it would be my 8th tardy...I hate this weather... you know why?This is the best time for Mishado to creep up on us. I was almost there when out of nowhere the guys show up.Can this day get any worse?

"Hello Raina..." Jason said.

"Um...why are you here?"

"Hmm you know very well." Josh said.

"What?" I became more weary of my surroundings.

Both boys advance towards me., Causing me to become more alert.

"Don't get any closer I mean it!" i grab my pocket knife which I hide under a rock near school, gripping it tightly.

"Ooh scary!" Luke teases as he inches closer.

" I told you stop!" I run with the knife aimed straight at his side hoping it would only graze it as a warning. Instead he grabs my arm flips my body, back now facing him and knife at my neck.

"Nice try...But I know you can do better" he whispered into my ears as he digs the knife a bit deeper into my neck.

"Ugh.." I became stiff as I saw the others come closer. I stomp on Luke's foot strong enough for him to pull the blade away.. not without it grazing my neck.

"Get her!" Josh hisses. I touch my neck and pull back to see blood lining my fingers. I look back to see Luke recovering from his attack.

As I am about to run off Luke and Jason both grab me and hold me tightly. I struggled but it was no use. Because of previous events they made me smell chloroform. Everything went black....stupid chloroform.

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