3 Murderer!?

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Joeys pov

My groups clue was a key to life is as high as a mountain top. We look everywere,then Glozell pointed something out. "Hay guys whats this?" She said. This mountain painting had something sticking out. I pull on it and its a key! "Guys we got the first key!" I said as we all ran down stairs. I unlock it and handed the antidote to Sam, who pored it into Shanes mouth. "One down, two to go." She said. There was 8 minutes left. I hope shane will make it! "Ok now, my question is, who poisoned him?" Eva is right, who did poison him "who was by him?" Sam said. "I think it was Joey!" Glozell said. "What! Me!?" I said. "Glozell, Joey is a vary good person he wouldn't poison Shane." Sam said. "Ya Sams right." Eva said. "Its her!" Eva said and pointed to Sam. "ME!?" She said. "Ya its your house, you had to!" Glozell said. "WHY WOULD I POISON SHANE!?" Sam was anger. "And shes not even helping! Shes just sitting there!" Eva said. "IM MAKING SURE HES ALIVE EVA! MABEY IT WAS YOU! YOU WERE THE LAST ONE WITH HIM!" Sam snaped "NO HALEY WAS WITH US TO!" Eva snaped back. "SO I DIDNT DO IT!" Haley said freaking out. "GUYS ENUFF!" I shout. "Blaming is not the answer! We need to focus on Shane." I said. "Wait guys, what if its none of us and its the made." Eva said. The made stood there with no emotion. Everyone backed away from her. I look over at Shane who looked like he was in alot of pain. Poor Shane.

Sams pov

I look up at Oli and his group. "Guys hows it going!?" I shout. "We cant get the bloody box!" Oli shouted. I look over at Timothys group and there struggling even more. I look at the time and...theres 5 Minutes left! "Joey watch him!" I yell and run to the antidotes. I pull out a Bobby pin and just jam it in the lock. I got the 2nd antidote out handed it to Shane and he drank it. "Guys 1 minute!" Joey shouted. SHIZ! I just wiggle the Bobby pin like crazy. I finally got the stupid lock off and got the antidote. "10 SECONDS!" I full blown sprint to Shane. "5" Im on my knees. "4" Im opening it. "3" "2" Im poring it into his mouth. "..." Everything was silent. "Is he..." Glozell said. "Shane." "..." Shane!" "..." "SHANE!" "..." "Sam Im so sorry." Oli comforted me. He had a tight hold on me as I buried my head in his chest. We broke apart and i laid my head down on Shanes chest. A single tear falling...when suddenly I felt... "Sam?..." "SHANE?!" I look at an alive Shane. "SHANE OMG YOUR OK!" I pulled him into a tight hug. "You idiot dont scare me like that!" I said. He hugged back. "Thank you Sam, for saving me." He said. "No problem." I said but, it was muffled cus my face was in his chest. But then I here a low growl from...Haley? I peek a little and see Haley with pure hatred on her face. I let go of Shane and she stopped. Wait...dose she? "Ok now hes alive, but, we still dont know who poisoned him." Timothy said. "Guys I feel something in my pocket." Shane said. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a note. "Oh ya, I had this in case I died." He said and handed me the note. "My friends, my killer isn't who you think it is, its the house its self, im part of an oclut called fright were we have been fighting this evil force for centuries, to make it out of the house alive, you haft to collect 4 artifacts but, the evil has hid them with puzzles but, each part of the puzzle has a simble. If you want to live and make it back to 2016 you must find all the artifacts befor sunrise. Good luck." I read out loud. "So if we dont get all the artifacts befor sunrise we'll be stuck here forever?!" Glozell said. "Yep pretty much." I said. "Ok how do we get the first one?" I ask. "Well why dont we just leave? Theres a car outside. Lets just leave!" Lele said. Joey led the way as everyone else followed. "Guys! I dont think this is a good idea!" I tell them, me now in frunt of Joey. "What makes you say that?" Lele says with a hand on her hip. All of a sudden....


"AHHHHHHHHH" The car blows up! Oli grabs me in a protective way. "SAM YOU WERE NEARLY IN THAT!" He yelled. But because i was so close to the explosion I was in shock and couldn't move and my ears were ringing. Oli shakes me and asks if I was ok. He picked me up bridal style into the house.

Oli's pov

"OMG WHAT JUST HAPPEND!? WHAT IF WE WERE IN THAT CAR!!" Justine shouts. Sams froven in my arms, her eyes wide and she wont answer me. Im geussing from being so close to the explosion. "Guys what about Sam she way to close to the explosion!" I yell. "WAIT WHAT!? SAM!!" Haley shouts and runs over to her. I put her on the couch. Haley snaps her fingers in her face. "SAM! THE JERMANS ARE COMING!" Haley shouted in her face, but Sam stayed in her position. "Isnt Sam Jewish and Jerman?" Andrea said. "Oh ya." Haley said. "Hmmmm, mabey if I." Haley said. And then she slapped Sam. "What the hell was that?" I ask. "I dont know I thought it would work." Haley said. Haley then began think, then her eyes went whide, showing us she had an idea. "Um there is ONE way but, um." "But what?" Everyone says at the same time. "Um, well someone needs to um, needs to well, um kissher." She says the last part really fast but we could still understand. "Wait,WHAT?" I said. I do like Sam but I watched her draw my life and she said she beat a kid to a bloody pulp cus he ask her out! What would a kiss make her do! "well, whos ganna do it?" Haley asks. "Well I dont think its ganna be a girl." Eva said. "So guy?" Joey said. "Im gay so can I be part of the girls thing?" He said. "Ill do it." Timothy said. Timothys kind of a perv so I wasn't comfortable with that and no one else was. "NO!" Everyone shouts. "What about Shane?" Sierra said. "No." Haley said. Then everyone turned to me. "Um what?" I ask. "You haft to do it." Glozell said. "W-what m-me? N-n-no!" I said stuttering and my face heating up. "C'on Oli, just do it!" Lele said. "I c-cant! Havent y-you seen h-her draw m-my life?" I say. Haley then pulls me by the collor. "Listen her Oli, my friend is in a state of shock and this may be the only way to get her out, if you dont do it then ill rip your balls off and shove them down your throat." She threatened. "Boi I would listen if I were you." Justine said. "F-fine i-ill d-do i-it." I got close to her, I was just going to do a quick peck on the cheak. I closed my eyes, my face was burning up so much I was basically a volcano ready to erupt. I did the kiss and as soon as I did, Sam shot up and was unfrozen. "CAR EXPLOSION DEATH POISON WHAT HAPPE..." she was yelling and freaking out. Haley managed to calm her down. But then she touches her check. "Why is my cheak warm?" She asked with hidden angery in her voice. "What did you do to me?" Everyone seemed to notice and then Andrea said "It was Oli, he did it!" and everyone pointed to me. Well f#ck me.

Hehehehe cliff hanger >:3
Ik evil but my phones at 17 present so ya. Also i still haft to write 2 more chapters. 1 for The Three Guardians, and 1 for The Unusual Friend and ya. See you in the next chapter,gtg,baaiii!!!!:3

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