5 Anger or Guilt?

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On the last chapter, the youtubers had to go through puzzles and clues to find a key to an ungodly machine, then vote which one should face it and in the fight, Andrea lost her life and Lele made it out alive but Sam didnt take it so well.

Olis pov

I look down at Sam. She looked broken,hurt,betraded. I felt horrible for having to hold her down. I felt angry and sad at the same time. Man, sometimes feelings suck. Sam lays her head back on my chest. I could feel the fabric on her dress. It felt vary soft. Now that I look at it, her dress is kinda simular to Haleys. There were oil stains and little tares here and there to. The only difference is that hers was a dark red and Haleys was yellow. Her shose though, we 1 inch heels. Suddenly there turnd to her black converse she always wears. Wait what just happened? This house is so full of magic I decided not to question it. Sams body go's limp in my arms, meaning she fell asleep. I move her hair out of her face. Her face look exhausted. "She looks so broken." Lele says. "Hay to be honest, Andrea killed her self. I was over at the freaking control thing and her, the fixer, I was like can you help me and she was like do it yourself." Justine says. "Justine, you really shouldn't say that, even though Sams asleep doesn't mean you can say thoughs things." Matt says. I pet Sams hair. "Ok guys enough arguing, you'll wake her up, now Lele brought back a letter and picture. It might be are next puzzles to get the next artifact." Haley says. We crowd around her and look at the picture first. When I moved to look Sam grunted snuggled her face in my chest. I blush a little. Haley nudges me and wigles her eyebrows. The only makes me blush more. She was holding me like I was a teddy bear. I lean more to see the picture. It was a girl with golden locks of hair, blue eyes,Emeriled earings,and a vibrant red scarf. "Carolin Eastwig. You must remember this well. Once your sure you've rememberd it, rip it up and the next clue will be revealed." Joey read the letter. "Wait! We cant rip it up yet! Sam hasn't seen it yet!" I say. I lightly shake her. She grouns and opens her eyes a little. Her bright green eyes showing. Those eyes made my heart flutter every time I see them. "What?" She say so softly that I could just explode. "We're on the next puzzle." I whisper. She shakes her head and rubs her eyes. "Right, dont let me fall asleep again." She says. She gets up and stretches. I blush as I watch her. "Alright what do we have." She looks at the picture. "Carolin Eastwig..." She says. "Weird, it sounds familiar." She says. Then she rips it up. We split up in teams to look for the things that stick out the most of the girl which was her hair,earings,and scarf. Group 1 was looking for the scarf which was Me,Sam,Shane,n Haley. Group 2 is to find the earings which is Joey,Timothy,Glozell,n Lele. Group 3 looks for the hair which is Eva,Sierra,Justine,n Matt.

Shanes pov

We were on the 2nd floor looking for a scarf. We walk in the room and theres cloths everywhere and suit cases full of different cloths. "Ok so, we're looking for a red scarf." Sam says. We look around and I noticed an unopend suit case. I went to open it but the zipper was stuck. I tug n tug. "Uh Shane that might not be a good -" Haley was cut off by cloths flying out of the suit case. "Oh gosh Shane are you ok?" Oli said. Haley was pulling the cloths off of me when suddenly she burst out laughing. Sam looked at me and began laughing as well followed be Oli. "Whats so funn-" I look down and see a bra on me. I roll my eyes. "Yall think I look good!" I say sassy. "Y-you look great!" Haley said while laughing. "Mmm, I dont know, I think Oli would look much better in a bra." Sam said with a sly smirk. "Wait what?" Oli said. "Mmm your right, no one can pull off a bra like Shane." Sam says. Everyone starts laughing agian. Sam laughs so hard the she falls to the floor. "*gasps* Guys! Theres a box down here!" She says. She pulls a small tissue box. "Its the scarf!" She pulls out the red scarf from the tissue box and rapped it around her neck. Haley ran up and quickly rapped the other half of the scarf around Olis neck. She silently squeald as she looked at the two. They didnt move it and we walked down stairs. "Guys we found the scarf! Meet us down stairs!" Haley yelled. We walk down and sit in the living room. Oli n Sam still have the scarf around their necks. Me n Haley smirk. We will get them together.

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