6 Perverse Games

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Sams pov
We walk in the house with the 2nd artifact and a tiny wooden box. We sat,and some stood,around a table. We just killed one of are friends in cold blood. Theres blood on all of are hands. "What now." I say. "Now we do this." Haley said holding up the box. She shook it around. "Theres something inside it." Joey says. "Ya whats in there Sam. You and your fake ack." Glozell says snapping at me. "Excuse me." I say. "Oh your little ack 'I through up cus this is sick'." Glozell mocked. "Whats your problem." I say. "Your the problem! Your obviously the one whos working with the evil! You faked it!" She says. "I faked puking,Glozell are you even listening to yourself?" I say. "Guys! Enough! Sam didnt fake it and Sam stop talking back! We haft to find out the box." Timothy says. "Shes being so rude." I say. I feel a hand cover my mouth. "Just stay quiet." Shane says. I do as I was told and he removes his hand. "The box is wood right? So,mabey we can break it open." Eva says. I grab the box but,so does Oli. We look at each other. Are eyes showed we were done with everything and needed to get are anger out. I nod and he gets the idea. We both smash the box on the table at the same time and it shattered to the size of toothpicks. "Wow." Sierra says. Oli picks up what was in the box which was a note. "Idle." He read. "Is that all it says?" Glozell asks. "Ya." Oli says. "Which idle? Theres 2. A singer,and something thats on and on." Lele says. "Its the second one." Oli says. "Lets just kill someone." Tim says. We start looking for something that is idle. "Does this mean anything?" Matt points out a clock with a plate-let that say 'letters become numbers and numbers become letters'. "Whag does that mean?" Haley ask. I start to think. Looking at the clock I noticed it had 4 hands. The word 'Idle' has 4 letters. Then it starts to click. "Isn't like the alphabet?" I say. "Like,I is 9 and D is 4." I say. "Try it." Joey says. I move the biggest hand on the 9,the 2nd bights hand on 4,the 2nd smallest hand on the 12,and the smallest hand on the 5. Suddenly a stack of books fall of the shelf and everyone jumped and screamed a little,as it was surprising. When Oli jumped,he hugged my arm. When he knew its safe,he lets go. I walk over to it and we need a key to open it. No one had a key. "I think I peed myself a little." Glozell says. Timothy picked up a picture of the staircase. "Guys what about this picture." He says. "Lets go to the staircase." Shane says.

Tims pov
I grab Sierras arm away from the group. "Timothy what are you doing?" She says weirded out. I might be insane but,I feel like I see a car. "Do you see that?" I say pointing out the window. "Is that a car?" She says. "Ya I think it is. Mabey its are ticket out of here." I say. "But what about the group?" She says. "We'll let them find the key and we look in the car." I say. I picked Sierra because im still a little paranoid and shes cute. "Alright lets go." She says. I grab a flash light and head out the door.

Olis pov
We walk to the staircase. We look at the picture and then the real thing. "Is there supposed to be something different?" Eva says. We look for a while. I didnt see anything but,Glozell did. She pushed one of the blocks off the rails and there was a key inside. "Good job Glozell." Lele says. We walk back to the key hole and its a secret door to a room. Everyone was in awe and shock but when we stepped in it was a different feeling.

Sams pov
Sketchy,mannequins. Sketchy,mannequins, everywhere. "What the actual f¿ck." Matt says. There was a note on the table. I picked it up and read it. "Congratulations Calvin your work is good enough to keep around, I will call the look dinner for five. I will make sure to feed them well." I read. Who ever this 'Calvin' guy is,is sick in the head. "So do we haft to feed them?" Haley says. "Wait,is there something in here?" Oli says pointing to a cherry pie. "Got for it." Joey says. He cuts the pie open and finds a...what is that? "EWW IS THAT A THUMB?" Shane shouts. "EHH OLI PUT THAT DOWN!" I yell smacking it out of his hand as he made a grossed out sound. Ya,never ganna eat cherry pie again. "Wait,I think its a mannequins thumb." Eva says. "Is it his thumb?" Glozell says pointing at the father mannequin. "No its not his." Oli says. We looked at every mannequinn and not one is missing a thumb. "What about a big toe?" Lele says. Oli gos on his knees and finds the father mannequinn missing a toe. "Ya! And theres a note." Oli says. Oli hands the note to Matt. "I thought thought my wife was Soulless but then Calvin showed me what was really inside her when he prided a lung from her chest." Matt read. "Oh gawd,what the hell." I say. I open the mothers shirt and her left breast was sliced and hanging. There was a note in the muscle in her chest. It made my breast hurt just by looking at it. "Why. Why does this exist." Haley says. All the girls were holding there chests in pain. Haley go's up and grabs the note and we close the shirt. "Yep,never ganna be able to erase that of my mind." I say. "L-lets j-just read the note." Haley says handing it Joey. "I always wondered what was going inside my daughter's head. Then Calvin cut one open and showed me. I can never look at my children the same again." Joey read. "God Clavin. Get some d×nm help!" I say. "Take the wigs of and look." Shane says. We look under all the wigs on every mannequinn. There wasnt 1 clue to be seen. We were stuck. "Wait,Wheres Tim and Sierra?" Eva says. "They wandered off." Oli says. First Haley,Shane,and Eva amd now its Timothy and Sierra. Did anyone listen to me when I said dont wander off?

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