I'm so sorry.

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Some serious stuff happened.

I had to get rid of my cats. I . . . I'm pretty hurt.

I miss them so much. Kissy and Tiger― those names just bring back memories now. Heh . . I never realized how empty my house is when my parents aren't home.

I geuss I really am alone.

If your wondering what happened, I don't exactly know, but I'll say what I do. So apparently one of my . . . well I geuss the aren't mine anymore.

One of the cats chewed up a cored to the fire place and my dad got pissed. My parents had a huge fight about it and after my dad took a shower. While he was in there, my mom took the cats away to somewhere, I don't know where.

She didn't get back before my dad got out of the shower.

He asked me where she was and I replied "she took the cats". Thats all I said.

I was too emotional to let alone even think about what I was saying. Oh, and my neice was with me the whole time. She's eight.

She had to watch all of this.

He then began yelling at me, saying I called him the bad guy of all this. I never said that.

I never said anything like that. When my mom got back they fought again, but it got worse. Me and my niece were quiet the whole time, we're only kids.

When everything was done, my mom burst into my room and ask me in a mad tone, "what was the one thing I asked you to do? Not to piss of your dad".

I didn't say anything. After that, they fought again.

Me and my neice were a mess of tears and fear. I just wanted to leave. This happen yesterday, as of December 20th, 2016.

They recently fought about me hating them.

I dont hate them. I hate their choices.

This happend today. I have never cried so hard before. giving up my cats― No I was giving up pieces of my heart.

Me and my neice were terrified, miserable, and angry.

I have never felt so hurt, by my own flesh and blood. all that aside, a big thanks to HaleyWritesStuff and my neice for being there for me.

I love them, so much. But hey, my mom said that Kissy and Tiger will be well taken care of. Thats good . . . right?

. . .

I'm so scared.

I―I don't want to lose anyone or anything else I love and care about ever again. that was such a horrible experience.

I haven't talked to anyone except my niece, Haley, and my oldest sister. I can't even bring myself to look at my parents. Why does this stuff have to happen at such a supposed to be cheerful time?

I'm sorry, you guys probably aren't even reading this.

Because of this 'current event' I will be even slower on my updates. I'm such a mess.

I'm so sorry. Thanks for reading if you made it this far . . and sorry for wasting your time.

I'll . . . I don't know if I'll be fine, honestly.

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